chapter three

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Someone who cares

Riley's POV

After some time had passed and I was released from the rehabilitation center, I was forced to live on the streets until I could get back on my feet but that was I found out where the therapist that had been speaking with me while I was being rehabilitated, I was nervous at first but I mustered up the courage to finally speak with her about my current situation and she didn't hesitate to help me out with my living situation.

Ava: I was concerned that something bad happened when they told me that you had been released from the place. How long have you been on your own?

Riley: several weeks, I have been trying to get a job but it's a difficult task for a homeless person that's for sure.

Ava: maybe so but I will be happy to help you with anything you need, are you hungry?

Riley: I would normally say no but I haven't eaten since I had been out of the place.

Ava: I will order something and there is clothes in the bedroom behind you that belonged to my ex, you are welcome to them if you want. They should fit you perfectly.

Riley: where is the bathroom at? If you don't mind me taking a shower.

Ava: of course I don't mind you using the shower, the bathroom is down the hall on left.

Riley: thank you for everything Doctor.

Ava: seeing that I'm not your doctor anymore, you can call me Ava.

Riley: thank you for Ava.

Ava: you're welcome Riley.

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