chapter eighteen

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We belong together.

Ava's POV

The plane finally arrived in a small airport just outside of Tokyo where I was told he was staying, the city was small compared to back home but finding him would be a hard task since it was surrounded by trees and rice fields that were outside of the city. I asked around for him but with no luck until I was approached by a small child that knew him, I paid the child a few dollars to show me where he was and was taken to a large rice field with countless people working in  them, I thanked the child and began looking for him and was shown the right direction to his location which was across a hill that separated the fields from another city nearby.

The night come quick as I continued looking for him and was about to give up searching when I heard that familiar voice that I remembered over the years we've known each other, I thought back to the day he told that he would be helping his mother at the place she worked I just didn't think that it would be working at a restaurant.

I watched as he took people's orders. I tried not to laugh but it was a cute sight to see, I quickly sat down and looked at a menu before he approached me asking what I would like to eat but I didn't understand what it said so I just pointed to something as he spoke in his native language. I paid for the meal and left quietly while I sat close by to eat my meal and wait for him to finish working before I could talk with him in private.

I watched as he closed the shop and started walking to the edge of town but stopped immediately after I mumbled under my breath which caused him to turn around and give me a weird look.

Riley: I never thought that you of all people would be visiting this place, what are you doing here Ava?

Ava: I had to see you...

Riley: you should be with your future husband...

Ava: I told him what happened and we both agreed to go our separate ways.

Riley: you flew here to tell me that? It doesn't matter anyway because it's over between us.

Ava: I flew here to be with you Riley, I love you and I wouldn't be doing this if I....

Riley: if you what...?

Ava: I'm pregnant Riley...

Riley: so go tell him the good news...

Ava: I never slept with him, he was waiting until after we were married...

Riley: I thought you had your tubes taken care of...

Ava: I guess fate had other plans, I'm carrying your child Riley and I wouldn't be here if I knew that having a family didn't matter to you.

I watched as he slowly walked towards me and carefully placed his hand on my belly before kissing me on the lips.

Ava: we are meant to be together Riley and I have never loved anyone else as much as I love you.

Riley: well that only leaves me one thing to ask you Ava.

Ava: what would that be?

I watched as he pulled out a ring from his pocket and get on one knee

Riley: will you marry me?

Ava: yes!

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