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I sat down on the ground, I couldn't hear anything but silence. I couldn't think straight I knew I was drunk. I had to pee also but that was the last of my worried. I looked down and saw id ripped the knee of my jeans and I was bleeding. Still not as scary and being alone in the woods. I cursed myself again. I wanted to have fun and look what happened. Disappointment and I'm bleeding. I wonder how long I need to sit here. I wish I could at least hear the cops. Something.

I was starting to get cold. I'd sat there cursing myself for over an hour. If Maverick got caught how was I getting home, also if he didn't would he leave me behind. I felt sick again and heaved the last contents of my stomach on the ground.

"Hey." A voice whispered. I felt myself almost pee.

"Hello." I slurred. "I'm Livy." I stupidly whispered back out into the darkness.

"Where are you? Shit." Who ever it was was stumbling towards me. "It's me Sarah."

"Sarah? Like with my mom Sarah?" I wished I could think straight. The words coming out of my mouth didn't make sense.

"Yes. Where are you?" She was getting closer. "Throw up again, it'll lead me to you!" She giggled.

"Over here." I tried to keep my voice down. I saw her flaming red hair emerge out. "Thank god! I don't have my phone."

"It's cool, they never bust the parties out here, this shit is wild." She laughed. "Im always up for bit of an adrenaline rush."

"This was my first party." I felt a tear drop down my cheek. "I want to go home."

"Hey baby don't cry." She hugged me. "We've been out here long enough they should be gone. Let's go get a drink. You definitely need one."

"No I think I'm done for the night." I sighed into her shoulder.

"Okay want me to walk you to your car? Where is it?" She let go of me and turned to walk back. "You might want to be careful, I've been to a party that was busted once and they parked down the street and caught everyone leaving, that shit was crazy."

"Ill take the risk."I slurred. "I didn't drive here Maverick brought me."

She frowned a little. "Let me text him." She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text. "Let's start walking back. He shouldn't have gone far."

I didn't run as far as I thought I had, we made it back to the beach in 10 minutes. "I've got to pee." I whined slightly.

"Okay well, pick a tree I'll wait." Sarah pointed back into the woods. 

"I can't do that!" I protest.

"Not many other options." She shrugged. "It's fine we all do it." She rolls her eyes I feel her patience beginning to wain.

"I'll hold it." Felt tears welling up again.

"Fine." She turned and started walking away.

"Wait!" I called after her. "Did Maverick text you back?" I ran to catch up with her, stumbling but not falling. I was sobering up, my mouth was dry.

"Nope. Sorry." She shrugged and we stepped out of the woods. People were slowly emerging from the trees, I noticed Ian still pant less wave towards Sarah and I.

"Sarah, Livy, you guys okay?" He ran his hand through his blonde hair as he approached. "We sent people out looking for you, it was jack ass alumni wasn't even the real cops." He laughed. "Mother fuckers got us good."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Sarah laughed. "They got us good."

"There were no cops." I felt my shoulders relax.

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