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I jolted awake. The ground disappeared from beneath me. The air suddenly cold. My eyes scanned the star filled sky above me. My senses returned to me. Maverick was carrying me from his car. He looked down at me started from my jumping awake. I was shocked he lifted me with ease, last time I weighted myself I was a little over 120 pounds. His lanky body was stronger than it seemed. "Hey." I slurred. I wrapped my arms around his neck. It felt like a dream and I was still floating. My body tingled with alcohol and the unknown.

"You fell asleep." He looked down and me. "Can you walk?" He stopped walking we were in the middle of the dimly lit parking lot. "I don't mind but I want to make sure you're knee is okay."

"Maybe. What time is is? Is my mom home? My knee?"I felt in a daze.

"Half past 11, and I don't see my moms car, I don't know what your mom drives, but I'm assuming no. And you fell, and really fucked up your knee." He sets me down and a pain shoots through my knee. I cringe and suck in air.

"It still hurts." I feel foolish. My head spinning faster.

"Well climb on my back I'll carry you." He turned around. I awkwardly jumped on his back into a piggy back ride. My arms wrap around his shoulders. I rested my chin on my arm. My head was so heavy. If I wasn't so tired I'd be embarrassed.

"Is this what being drunk feels like?" I whispered. "It's not too bad."

"We'll see if you feel that way tomorrow." He chuckled. I've heard of hangovers, Devon has had plenty, and I winced. I'll drink some water when I get up to the apartment. I didn't want to think about the next day, I felt great right now. We enter the elevator and I look at my reflection in the mirrored walls. I have dirt on my cheek, One of my braids went loose, sending waves of hair down my shoulders. I see my knee red and angry around Mavericks lean midsection. I didn't even recognize the girl in the mirror. I see his face watching mine in the mirror.

"Woah I look rough." I laugh. I was definitely feeling good, Contrary to how I looked. 

"It's funny. I've never had a first date come home accidentally looking like that." The door opened on the second floor. He stepped out. "Key please." He held out a hand and I dug in my pocket for the keychain. I realized he was holding my butt to support me. I pulled out the keychain and dropped it into his up reached hand. The other still firmly pressed against my butt. He unlocked the door and carried me across the threshold.

"I think I can make it if you take me to my room." I chose to ignore the first date comment. He threw my keychain on the side table and put his hand back. I liked how it felt. Foreign to me but warm and secure. My subconscious scolded me, telling me this wasn't good. I closed my eyes to shut her out.

"Yes ma'am." When we got into my room he lowered me onto my bed. I didn't let go pulling him over into me. I laughed and he rolled off me. "Okay where are your pajamas?" He stood up. I pointed to my dresser frowning, I did something wrong.

"Second drawer." I laid back and closed my eyes listening to him open the drawer. The floor was spinning.

"Oh shit. Wrong drawer." My eyes flew open and he pulled out one of my pair of panties. Floral boy shorts with lace trim. "Pleasant surprise though."  He went to put them back.

"No I need those anyway." I sat up my head spinning. The blood in my body was already in my face I couldn't blush anymore. "Here move." I stood next to him. I snatched the panties out of his hands and opened my pajama drawer. I grabbed a silk tank top and matching pants. I held them to my face the feeling of the fabric soft. He watched me smiling. I frowned at him.

"I like you better when you talk, you're a little bossy." He winked at me. "Who knew you were such a little fire cracker."

"Enough don't get used to it." I tried to sashay away like I've seen girls do in movies but my clumsiness prevailed and I almost rolled my ankle. "Stay here I'm going to change." I walked towards the bathroom. Once in there I stripped down to my underwear. I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked wild and flushed. I quick brushed my teeth and let down the other braid. My hair fell in waves past my breast. I threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and pulled on my fresh pajamas. I opened the medicine cabinet and found some neosporin and smeared a healthy amount on my knee.  Even drunk I didn't want to get an infection, and the throb in my knee worried me. A gentle knock at the door made me jump.

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