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Namjoons POV

„So,... is anyone willing to explain to me what exactly happened last night?"
Raziels voice was quiet. That didn't mean that he wasn't mad. He was very mad. I saw it by the way he clenched his fist, which rested on the desk in front of him. The knuckles already changed to a whiter tone and I could see that his whole body was tense. Raziel was a scary angel. It was already a bad sign when he wanted to talk to you. This only meant that you were in deep trouble. Here in heaven, Raziel was in charge of judgements over all other angels. He decided which punishment you would get, depending on the things you did. And in view of what we did, Raziels anger was just the start of what he had to fear.
It took me a while until I noticed that my hands did the same as Raziels. My fingers were already drilled into the palm of my hand. I flinched. A reason for that was, that Raziel banged his hands so loud onto the table that it trembled. But it caught me more off guard, that I seemed to feel anger. Until yesterday evening, anger wasn't a feeling that I knew. Now, I could clearly feel the heat inside of me building up and I had to close my eyes to concentrate and keep calm. I didn't know what was going on. The only thing I knew was, that we should have never went down to earth. I felt different since then.
„Don't make me ask again." Raziel shouted and his eyes stared at us filled with a blue glazing light. „Now tell me what happened."
I opened my eyes and took a look to the left, where the others were lined up. Most of them had their heads down in guilt, unlike to Taehyung and Jimin, which were smirking in a way I've never seen before.
„Do you think it's funny?" Raziel turned his question to them. „Do you think this won't have any consequences for you? You all disregarded two of the most important rules in heaven. I already can tell you this won't end good."
„We were just having fun." Jimin shrugged his shoulders. „We didn't do anything bad."
As soon as Raziel heard Jimins words, he got up from his leathern chair and in the next second he stood infront of him.
„Nothing bad huh?", he said sarcastically. „Tell me if I'm wrong... but wasn't it you who kissed a human? And tell me, do we do that as angels?"
„Well, it didn't feel bad at all." Jimin said and we all could hear his smile in his voice. Right in this moment we could feel the presence of Raziels power, which only showed in this form when he was about to rage.
„Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip your wings out of your back instantly.", he whispered and took a step towards him. „Because you clearly don't deserve them."
I noticed a fast movement beside me. It was Taehyung who pressed himself between Jimin and Raziel. I knew he only wanted to protect his friend. But we all knew that it was useless and would make things worse than they already were.
„Don't you dare.", he said and stared into Raziels eyes.
He stand his look and eventually Raziel laughed.
„Are you...?", he said and in the next second he layed his hand around Taehyungs throat. „Did you just try to manipulate my mind?"
The question was unnecessary since Taehyung wasn't able to answer anymore. Raziel used his power and lifted Taehyung up with one hand, choking him tightly. „This was it my friend."
Raziel lifted Taehyung a little bit more just to smash him right onto the ground. The sound of Taehyungs body hitting the floor was similar to a thunder and came along with a cloud of smoke. I wasn't able to see for a while, but once the smoke cleared up I gasped in shock. Taehyung was gone. The only thing left was a black burn mark to our feet.
„Raziel... what did you do?", I stuttered. „Is he...?"
„No." Raziel cut me off. „He isn't dead. I just sent him where he belongs to."
And with his words he turned towards Jimin. „Just like you."
Raziel snapped his fingers and the procedure we just witnessed happened again. Jimin didn't even had a chance to defend himself and neither did we. All we could do was to stare at the second burn mark.
„So...", Raziel went on with his cross examination. „Now that the two most disrespectful of you are gone, we can pick up our little talk again. Namjoon, tell me; what did you do on earth?".
I hesitated for a moment. At first I thought I had to be careful of what I should answer. But who were I fooling? Raziel probably already knew the answer. Since he knew that Jimin kissed a human, he most likely knew everything else as well. I sighed.
„Do we really need to talk about this?", I asked.
Raziel raised an eyebrow. „Ha, you're right. Let's not waste my time." He reached behind him to grab a little blackboard from the table. „Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook. You are guilty in following cases: Leaving heaven and visiting earth without any permission. Having spiritual and physical contact to human beings. Expressing blasphemic behavior. Revealing heavenly informations to the enemy...."
„Wait what?" I interrupted Raziel. „The enemy? What are you talking about?"
Raziel stopped his list of laws we broke last night and scoffed. „So, you're telling me you don't know to whom you were talking to yesterday?" He waited for an answer and looked at me and the other remaining angels, that didn't know what to respond either. It actually brought a feeling of relief to me, that I didn't seem to be the only one that had no idea what was going on.
„Anyways", Raziel continued. „It doesn't matter. You will get your punishment, same as Taehyung and Jimin. Heaven won't except this kind of disrespect. From now on this here won't be your home anymore. You guys are banned from heaven."
Before any of us could say something we saw a blazing light and the only thing I remember, was the air rushing over my skin as we fell down to earth and the smell of our wings that bursted into flames.

Story Of The Fallen Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora