Chapter 3

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Taehyungs POV:

We looked up to the sky, which color changed more and more to firery orange. Like Faros already guessed, Raziel didn't seem to waste any time to come after us. After all Faros just told us, everything that happened in the last couple months made totally sense. Sure, it was forbidden for us angels to visit earth without any permission or any reason, let alone to just have some fun. But the rules and, if broken, their consequences, became more strict through time. Never before have angels been banned from heaven instantly just because they went down.

Okay, I had to admit... Our little night out on earth was not just „having fun". We escalated a bit. In fact it was Jimins and my idea. Namjoon was totally right with that. Still; the others didn't have to join us. But they did, so we were all in the same boat now... or more like, sinking ship? Okay, it was really dumb. We were just bored and yes, heaven is nice.. But earth is definitely more fun. At first we just wanted to walk around, watch some humans and I don't know... just see things that we usually don't see. But then... well then we saw this bar, with all the people sitting outside, having fun. From the inside you could hear loud music and the whole atmosphere was vibrant and exciting. So we decided to walk in. We quickly found a free table and ordered some drinks, which was kind of useless, since angels can't really get drunk. But we needed to act like humans. Everything went fine and we had a great time... until Foras came. He asked if he could sit down and have a drink with us and since he seemed to be a very nice guy, we agreed.

That one drink became two drinks and then a couple more. Foras told us funny stories about his life, which we knew now most likely weren't even true and the mood became more and more frisky. At one point, I didn't even remember how, he started to talk about angels and god and heaven. He told us about that one time he thought he saw an angel, how he got interested into that topic and then it happened. One of us, which I couldn't remember either, revealed our secret. Looking back it doesn't even matter, because Foras already knew it.

From this point on, everything went downhill. Foras began to ask a thousand questions... about our life in heaven, about our angelic skills. Then he came to the conclusion that angels could be way more capable of what we thought we would be. Foras suggested us to try out some things and in our euphoric mood we followed his idea. He talked about how easy it would be for angels to manipulate minds and to our surprise he was right. At first I just manipulated the mind of the waitress in not charging us. But as soon as we noticed that it seemed to be fun doing it, we tried out more things like letting people forget things. Jimin realized that it was also easy to center the attention of a human only at him and well... we all know where that ended.

Only as Namjoon almost got into a fight, Jungkook decided it would be best to go back upstairs. Little did we know that it would be not for long....

„Okay... what now?!" Hoseoks fear filled voice ripped me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to Foras who just shrugged his shoulders. „Well, I guess we should continue our little talk in my office."
He snapped with his fingers and the next moment it felt like my head was going to burst. I squinted my eyes together in pain and I thought he might kill us. But the pain disappeared as quick as it came and when I opened my eyes, I could see that we were no longer on the field.

„Welcome in my kingdom." Foras spread out his arms while showing us a wide grin. „Feel like home. And I'm sorry... I know teleporting is very painful for humans. But I guess it's not as painful as getting murdered by Raziel, isn't it?"

I let my eyes wander around. The furniture was stylish though it was not what I expected an office in hell to look like. Everything was very bright and clean. Foras desk was basically just a big glass plate. Besides a white sofa, there were some also white shelves lined up alone the walls. I was surprised. It really looked like a normal office room. He even had plants placed in the corners.

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