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It was around 2:48am and Erika was standing in Jakes bathroom in a lot of pain she slept with Jake like every night now because I mean they were together now and they both felt comfort within each other .
Jake opened the double doors to his bathroom and went in
Jake sat Erika down on the chair and holds her hand
E-Ok but like.... it hurts
J-Do you want me to call your midwife? How far and your contractions like in between
E-5 minutes
Jake calls Erikas midwife and told her everything and they said to go to the hospital
They went to a private hospital with paparazzi being so involved with team 10 but they also wanted to know everything about Erikas pregnancy
J-Sunny is awake and she's gonna help me help you ok?
Erika nods
E-Mhm k
S-Deep breaths but hey ur gonna have a beautiful Emma soon
E-I feel like I'm gonna collapse
They get Erika in the car and she was squeezing sunnys hand
S-I May have a broken hand...
S-Your fine it's all cool

Falling for my assistant  .~Jerika~Where stories live. Discover now