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At 8:25am Erika gave birth to her little girl...
so-Well done Erika here she is Jake would you like to cut her cord
Jake cuts Emma's cord and the midwifes pass her to Erika and she had Emma in her arms crying and they clean Emma up etc
J-I'm so proud of you
He smiles and kisses her forhead
E-Was you crying?
J-Yeah.... quite a bit
Erika giggles a little and smiles  and they kiss and Jake was hugging Erika and held her hand for a while and they bought Emma back and Erika fed her sunny was on call to a agency outside of the room and Erika fell asleep and Jake was holding Emma
J-Hey Princess.... welcome to the world
He kisses her forhead
J-Your mommy loves you soooo much... just like I do I love you so much Emma... if I ever lost you or your mommy I wouldn't know what to do we're gonna be the best daddy and daughter duo we're gonna be best friends through everything babygirl .. you may not be my blood but it doesn't stop me loving in my heart you'll always be my little angel .
S-I got that on record
J-Oh I didn't realise you were in here
S-I got back on time
Jake laughs and continues to look into his daughters eyes admiring her and how he was so blessed to be her moms boyfriend and now.... Emma's dad life couldn't go any better . ❤️.

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