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It was Erikas turn to walk down the isle and she got Kade to walk her down 💕.
K-of course... you look amazing he's gonna cry
Erika slightly laughs
E-Thankyou.... also Jakes a little closed when it comes to emotions
K-Trust me.... he's going to
She smiles and the music starts playing  and Kade walks her down and of course... Jake cried
J-Damn look at her
They all laugh and Kade then stands with Logan anthony & Greg and it was Mackenzie Pam & sunny standing on Erikas side
J-You look gorgeous *Whisphers in her ear*
She smiles at him mouthing "Thankyou"
Ok Yh I've never been to a wedding the last time I went to a wedding was when I was like 5 and it was my parents I'm 14 I can't Remeber shizzles😂.
-I may now present Mr & Mrs paul . You may kiss the bride
They both lean in for a passionate kiss and they smile and hug each other
L-nothing un holy please my virgin eyes
Everyone laughs
J-You have a daughter and one on the way bro
L-Virgin here
They walked down together hand in hand and they got a few moments alone together just hugging and enjoying each others presence
J-so about that Instagram name
She laughs
E-Thats dealt with already
She pulls out her phone and shows him
J-Ok Mrs paul
She smiles and kisses him
E-I like that
J-I love that
E-of course you do
Jake laughs
Emma came running and hugged them both and Jake picks her up
J-You also looked very very beautiful My monkey
Em-Thanks daddy
Jake hugs her and kisses her cheek
Emma knew Jake wasn't her biological dad they told her that not too long ago but Emma loved Jake no matter what nothing could chnage that... in her eyes Jake was always going to be her biological dad and no one was ever gonna change that she told Erika and Jake she hated her actual bilogical dad and never wanted to meet him.

Falling for my assistant  .~Jerika~Where stories live. Discover now