Because of you

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Jaynes POV.
I get a sudden rush of excitement as I hear a car pull up in the drive way. After spending six months in Colorado with his Children- my partner is finally back. I rush to the door and greet him with an enormous smile and I'm thrilled as he embraces me, holding me tight in his lovely, strong arms.
"I've missed you so bloody much Torv!"
"I've missed you too...less of the 'Torv' though" I reply, rolling my eyes.
He smirks and follows me inside, dumping his Dozen bags on my sofa (ok slight exaggeration- but he does have lots, far more that what would be considered necessary!) He begins eagerly telling me about his time away and I listen patiently to hundreds of stories of Jacks school and Sam's baseball and I smile and nod my way through countless pictures of birds and wildlife, before we finally reach a point where I can depart my own news, which seems fairly dull in comparison with Chris' exciting tales.
"So you said Phil was away? Where is he?"
"He's taken the children to see his mum- they won't be back until Friday"
"Really? Didn't you want to go to? You miss the children terribly when you're not with them!"
"I know... I just think... Maybe me and Phil would benefit from sometime apart"
A watch a frown materialise on my best friends face. For a moment, he seems unusually lost for words.
"You and Phil are having problems? Jayne I've spoken to you almost everyday- why didn't you tell me something was wrong?"
"I didn't want to worry you, not when you were so far away. I know what you're like!"
Chris looks wounded by this- that certainly wasn't the desired effect- if anything, I was saying this to lighten the mood. I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes as he explains how he's always there, even when he's in America and that if he'd known that something was wrong- he would have been on the first flight over. I wander into the kitchen with the pretence of making coffee and endeavour to suppress my emotions. Chris obviously senses that something is wrong, as he appears by my side a few seconds later.
"Jayne? Are you alright?"
I don't reply. I intend to but the words stick in my throat and refuse to materialise a sentence. I feel his presence beside me as I let my long blonde hair fall in front of my face, concealing the tears that I can no longer hold back. He knows. He always knows. He's not the best at dealing with emotions- but he's supportive and kind and always seems to be able to find the right words to comfort me. Or indeed the right actions, as in situations like this- words make little effect. Instead, he pulls me close to him- so close that I can feel his heart beating against my own. It's a very comforting feeling. We remain like this for what seems like an age (but is probably no more than a few minutes.) before I conclude to pull myself together and proceed to make our drinks.
"Jayne, let me do that! Go and sit down"
"No" I reply flatly.
As usual, he doesn't take any notice- he buzzes around me trying to take over, which is rather more annoying than it is helpful. I order him to go back into the front room- which is probably quite rude considering. I make him his favourite- 'double espresso' and set it nicely on a saucer. I even add one of those lovely chocolate biscuits that I still haven't got round to eating. That will surely compensate for my previous abruptness.
"Thanks! In my favourite mug as well!"
"I didn't notice" I lie.
He happily dunks his biscuit into his coffee- an ill mannered trait that both of his children and indeed my own have picked up. I can't help but smile.
"Come on, talk to me... Tell me what's going on" he says gently, looking me in the eyes.
There is a short silence.
"Things haven't been right for a while...nothing has happened it's just..."
"Just what?"
"He just frustrates me. I'm passionate and dedicated and he's just the complete opposite. Perhaps I talk too much about ice skating and...."
"And me?"
He says finally- as if reading my mind.
"Yes. And you"
He chooses to move past this as he runs his hand through his hair and proceeds to question me.
"But you've been married for years- what's changed?"
"Now dancing on Ice is over, and everything that came before it- I guess I have nothing to focus on, other than him... And my children obviously but that's different. We're spend more time together now than we ever have- and I'm sure for most couples that is great... But not for us...not for me."
Chris smiles at me sympathetically before explaining that he knows how I feel- he understands what I'm going through. In a way- I don't agree.
His marriages ended for very different reasons... isabelle- well that just wasn't right, his heart wasn't in it- she couldn't obide by him spending anytime time with me. He parted with Jill in the exact opposite of circumstances than those of myself and Phil. He wasn't spending enough time with her. And She got jealous too I guess.
"Can I stay here tonight?" He says, after a momentary silence.
He doesn't leave me time to answer.
"Actually, I am staying here- no arguments. I'm not leaving you like this"
I smile. I'm so lucky to have him.
A realisation suddenly hits me.
"What about Karen? Aren't you supposed to be staying with her? She's really missed you, you know!"
He shrugs in a boyish fashion.
"I'm staying here with you".

Before the stormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora