Matchy Matchy

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Kirishima and Tetsu had been training together all afternoon, they were both getting tired but were still enjoying themselves. All was good, until Tetsu managed to land a hit on Kirishima. The red head stumbled back before falling onto his bottom, his eyes quickly filling with tears.

"Kirishima, are you okay dude?" Tetsu asked, rushing over to the boy's side, Kirishima didn't answer, instead he scooted away from the other boy, "Come on bro, you've gotta answer me!"

Kirishima didn't say anything, he just continued sobbing. Tetsu didn't know what to do, he'd never seen Kirishima like this before, sure he'd seen him hurt but never acting like this. He rushed off to find someone who might be able to help, luckily, finding Denki walking around.

"Kaminari?!" Tetsu called out.

"Oh, hey Tetsu!" Denki waved a little.

"Something's wrong with Kirishima! I need help!" Tetsu blurted out without wasting anymore time, "We were just training then he started crying! I think he might be hurt, but he won't talk to me, I don't know what's going on!"

Denki followed Tetsu back to where he'd left Kirishima. From what the bond could tell there was a good chance that Kirishima had regressed at some point.

"Kirishima? Kiri, I need you to look at me." Denki whispered.

"P-Pikachu!" Kirishima cried out.

Denki frowned, "Kiri, are you okay buddy?"

"H-head, o-owie!" Kirishima tried his best to explain.

"Aww, I'm sorry kiddo. Do you want to go see Daddy?" Denki asked.

"Mhm." Kirishima nodded, all he wanted was his Daddy, Daddy made everything better.

Tetsu cleared his throat, "Kaminari, what's going on?"

Denki signed, rubbing Kirishima's back, "Do you know what age regression is?"

"No." Tetsu shook his head, then looking back to the crying boy in front of him.

"Well, uh, Kiri's an age regressor, so basically, right now he's a little kid. Usually he can control when it happens but I guess this time was different." Denki tried to explain, "I'm not that good at explaining it. Bakugo could explain it better. He wants to go see Bakugo anyway."

Tetsu thought back to Denki asking Kirishima about wanting to see his "Daddy", he could only assume that was Bakugo, "So is Bakugo like... His parent when he gets like this?"

Denki shrugged, "Pretty much, I guess. I promise it's not weird or anything, they don't do anything all couple-y when he's like this."

"Pikachu, up." Kirishima whined, reaching out for the other boy.

Denki frowned again, "I can't carry you buddy, I'm not strong enough, remember?"

"I could do it." Tetsu offered.

Denki looked back to the silver haired boy, "Do you want to hold him? You don't have to, he can still walk if he needs to."

"No, I can carry him, it's alright." Tetsu insisted.

"Okay." Denki nodded.

Kirishima was still holding his arms up to be held but when Tetsu picked him up he was not having it. He began crying again. It wasn't that he didn't like Tetsu per se, but more that little Kirishima just wasn't familiar with him, and he was already worked up to begin with.

Tetsu began to panic again, "No, no, don't cry. It's okay. See, it's just me, it's Tetsu." He smiled at the boy, revealing his sharp teeth and Kirishima giggled.

Kirishima sniffled a little before giggling more, "Matchy matchy!" The little grinned to show off his own teeth.

"That's right buddy." Tetsu couldn't help but smile wider at that, "We do match, huh?"

Kirishima didn't respond, instead he grabbed the other's free hand, probably trying to figure out just what this new guy was all about. Tetsu activated his quirk on that hand to show to little. He seemed rather interested in the shiny metal. Then Kirishima stuck it in his mouth, Tetsu could only laugh.

Denki quickly noticed and began freaking out that Kirishima might be hurting the other boy, "Kiri! You can't chew on his hand!"

"Aww, he's fine, I can't even feel it as long as my hand's steel." Tetsu assured him.

"Oh, okay." Denki felt comfortable enough with that response to laugh along with Tetsu about Kirishima's actions.

Tetsu began a conversation again when they began walking toward the dorms, "So uh, what's up with the Pikachu thing?"

"Fucking Mina taught him to call me Pikachu, now he won't call me anything but Pikachu. But I'm the favorite, so it doesn't matter, huh Kiri?" Denki tickled Kirishima's side, making him squeal and squirm a little in Tetsu's arms.

"Kiri, can you say Tetsu?" Tetsu asked,

"Te... Te'su!" Kirishima smiled.

"Good job!" Tetsu praised, making Kirishima's eyes light up and he cuddled up to the boy.

"Hey don't you go trying to take my spot as the favorite uncle!" Denki snapped, "I'm the favorite around here."

"Pretty sure that decisions not up to you." Tetsu laughed, looking down at the boy in his arms, now resting his head on the taller boy's shoulder.

It wasn't long before they reached Bakugo's dorm. Denki knocked and only a few moments later Bakugo opened the door with an angry scowl.

"Hey Bakubro!" Denki smiled.

"What do you want dunce face?" Bakugo replied, rolling his eyes.

"Well, uh, Kiri kinda regressed while he was training with Tetsu..." Denki explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey Bakugo." Tetsu smiled awkwardly.

Bakugo narrowed his gaze on the boy holding his little one, "Not a word about this to anyone! You got it tin can?!"

"Of course! We're bros, I'd never do that to him!" Tetsu replied.

Then Bakugo noticed Kirishima sleepily chewing on Tetsu's hand, "Ei, don't chew on Tetsu's hand."

"He's fine, I'm okay with it." Tetsu replied.

"But it teaches him bad habits. I'm trying to stop him from putting things in his mouth that don't belong there." Bakugo sighed and pulled something out of a small box then holding it out to the red head, "Kiri."

Kirishima seemed to perk up and instantly put the object into his mouth. That was when Tetsu was able to recognize it as a pacifier. This made sense with how much Kirishima seemed to like putting things in his mouth, but it still only made Tetsu more confused.

Tetsu looked back up at Bakugo, "So uh, Kaminari wasn't too great at explaining all of this to me. Please just go over what this is exactly, I'm fine with it, whatever it is, I'm just confused."

"Yeah, I'll explain everything." Bakugo sighed.

"Dada look!" Kirishima grinned and pointed at Tetsu's mouth, "Matchy matchy!"

Bakugo chuckled under his breath, "You're right Kid, matchy matchy."

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