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It was finally Friday, which meant that it was time for the Bakusquad's weekly movie night. It had been Mina's week to choose and deciding on Howl's Moving Castle. Everything was going well. Then it started raining.

The rain itself was fine it was what followed that changed the mood. Soon came a bright flash of lightning. Thunder followed soon after.

Kirishima jumped. It was no secret that he wasn't fond of thunder storms but he wasn't scared of them, at least that much could be said for big Kirishima. When he was regressed thunder storms terrified him.

Another clap of thunder came and Kirishima shrieked before burying his face into Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo hadn't even noticed the thunder until he had a shaking little clinging to his shirt.

"Damn it." Bakugo cursed under his breath, "Hey, it's alright. It's just thunder. It won't hurt you."

Kirishima gripped Bakugo's shirt tighter, "Dada..."

"Oh, Kiri. Are you okay sweetie?" Mina asked.

"L-loud." Kirishima sobbed.

"You know what, I'll go make us some hot chocolate." Mina suggested.

"Tape face, go get me his pacifier." Bakugo said, not even looking up at the other boy.

"Sure thing Bakubro." Sero nodded.

"I'll go too." Denki insisted, knowing that they had more to grab than just a pacifier.

"How you doing kid?" Bakugo asked, rubbing Kirishima's back.

"L-loud Dada." Kirishima whimpered, "S-scared."

Bakugo kissed Kirishima's head, "I know baby. It's okay, Daddy's got you. I'm not going to let anything hurt you." 

"Hey Kiddo, I brought you your blanket and Crimson Riot." Denki held out a soft blanket and Crimson Riot plush in front of the little.

Kirishima instantly snatched the comfort items from the blond boy. He clutched the toy tightly and hid himself in his blanket. Bakugo pulled him closer and Kirishima didn't dare open his eyes. Then he felt a small tap on his shoulder, peaking out to see Mina and Sero each offering him a gentle smile.

Sero handed him his red pacifier, "Sorry it took so long Buddy. I had to bring your sippy cup to Mina."

"Do you want your hot chocolate, honey?" Mina asked, offering Kirishima the sippy cup.

The movie playing in the background was long forgotten. The group all sat cuddled together in the middle of the sofa, sandwiching Kirishima in the middle of their bodies. The remained silent for the most part, simply drinking their hot chocolate and whispering to Kirishima when he cried out at a crash of thunder. 

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