Oniichan and Totoro

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I've seen too much fan art if Kiri Tamaki and Fat Gum as characters from My Neighbor Totoro. Also I do take requests/suggestions if you have any.

Tamaki and Kirishima were waiting for Fat Gum to finish up a meeting. They didn't have anything to do, even once Fat Gum returns. They were mostly just hanging out at the agency. Tamak's attention was pulled away from his phone by a small tug on his sleeve.

"Oniichan." Kirishima whined, "I's bored."

Tamaki froze, he didn't know what to do. Kirishima only called him Oniichan when he was regressed. He has never been alone with little Kirishima before. It wasn't that he didn't like him being little or anything, he did, he loved him, but he didn't know anything about taking care of a little.

Tamaki fumbled to dial Fat Gum's number, luckily the hero picked up after a few rings, "Fat... I um... Could you uh... maybe come back for a bit? I uh... I need help."

Tamaki was able to find a box of crayons and a coloring book in Kirishima's bag. Presumably for situations like this. The little boy instantly began coloring, he didn't whine about being bored anymore or demand anything else. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad watching him. Then Kirishima tried to put one of the crayons in his mouth.

"No no no no! Don't put that in your mouth!" Tamaki took the crayon from Kirishima's hand, the little boy instantly began tearing up, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. Please don't cry. I'm sorry. It's just... You can't eat them. It's just for coloring."

"Tamaki! What's wrong?!" Fat Gum asked, rushing into the room, "Are you hurt?"

"Totoro-San!" Kirishima squealed and the hero looked down at the little boy sitting on the floor in front of him.

Fat Gum smiled, he was sure he'd never be able to get over that nickname. The first time he'd ever interacted with little Kirishima they were watching My Neighbor Totoro and the little boy insisted that Fat Gum looked like Totoro. Ever since then he called Fat Gum Totoro.

Fat Gum smiled, "Kirishima! Hey Kiddo!"

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. I've never taken care of him by myself before. Then he was trying to put the markers in his mouth and I know I shouldn't have even given them to him-"

"It's alright Kiddo. I needed an excuse to get out of that meeting anyway. Have you contacted Bakugo?"

"No." Tamaki admitted, embarrassed that he hadn't even thought to contact Kirishima's caregiver.

"That's alright. I'm sure it's no big deal, as long as Kirishima is alright." Fat Gum smiled, "I will call him. Thank you for looking after him until I could get here, you're a good big brother." Tamaki smiled and blushed a little at that.

"Totoro, play?" Kirishima asked, holding out the crayons he'd been given.

"Just one second sweetheart, I need to call your Daddy first." Fat Gum replied, patting Kirishima's head. He grabbed his cell phone and dialed the number he'd been given for these types of situation, "Bakugo, it's Fat Gum."

"Hi Dada!" Kirishima squealed, hoping Bakugo would hear.

"Kirishima seems to have regressed. I just thought I would let you know. I can keep an eye on him for a while if you need." Fat Gum continued talking to the teen while Tamaki tried to entertain the little, "We'll see you then."

"Is he coming?" Tamaki asked.

"In a little while. He has work to do, but he'll come by to pick up Kirishima soon." Fat Gum answered, pulling Kirishima onto his lap.

Kirishima looked back at the man, "Play now?"

Fat Gum tussled Kirishima's hair, "Yes sweetie, we can play now."

Kirishima's giggles and began explaining some game he wanted to play with dragons and space ships. Fat Gum and Tamaki were sure he didn't even know what he was talking about but went along with it. Eventually Kirishima got bored of that game and trying to come up with rules for it.

"I play with you's haiw? Please?" Kirishima asked giving Tamaki the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster, luckily for Tamaki he didn't have to answer as they were untutored by the door swinging open.

"Hey." Bakugo called out as he entered the room.

Kirishima jumped up and ran to the other boy, "Dada!"

"Hi Baby Shark." Bakugo smiled, accepting a hug from the little boy.

"Misses you." Kirishima mumbled into Bakugo's shoulder.

"I missed you too kid." Bakugo tussled Kirishima's hair and released him from the hug, "Go say goodbye so we can get going."

Kirishima toddled his way back to Fat Gum who instantly wrapped him in a hug. He liked Fat Gums hugs sometimes maybe even as much as Bakugo's. They were warm and made him feel safe.

"Loves you Totoro!" Kirishima giggled.

"Love you too Kiddo." Fat Gum replied, letting Kirishima go so he could see Tamaki.

"Oniichan! Hugs!" Kirishima held his arms out to the older boy.

Bakugo scolded the boy, "Eijirou."

"Please!" Kirishima then added, and Tamaki accepted the hug, "Loves you Oniichan."

"I-I love you too..." Tamaki knew he was blushing but Kirishima didn't seem to notice or care.

"Buh Bye Totoro! Buh Bye Oniichan!" Kirishima called out as Bakugo lead him out of the door.

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