Chapter 23 - Revelations And Blame

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Ana was almost slightly upset as she made her way down the hallway of the cruiser. She had been dragged away from her birthday call with Satine and Korkie by Captain Trip who requested her presence in the training room right away. They were currently in Coruscant's docks undergoing repairs so Ana hadn't planned on beeing called to the cruiser and she certainly hadn't planned on beeing called there on her birthday of all days.

She sighed as she waited for the doors of the training room to open, expecting the matter to be a simple case of maybe needing her signature for something. Ana was surprised to find that not only Trip and some other clones inside, but also her friends. There were Master Drallig and Admiral Kilian, Master Billaba who had of course brought Caleb, there was Senator Amidala as well as Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan and to Ana's surprise she even spotted Master Windu standing at the side of the room.

"Happy birthday!" they all screamed in union as the confused Ana stepped further inside the room. She smiled as she looked around to find that the training room was redecorated to host a birthday party. "You arranged all of this?" Ana asked in disbelieve, looking at the group. "We did, we planned everything. Even the birthday call with Satine and Korkie to keep you away from the preperations" Ahsoka explained with an innocent smile.

It turned out that in the end Jedi knew little about what it meant to have a party, so it was up to the clones and  Padmè to teach them. Ana enjoyed herself immensly never the less. Padmè had made sure there was Yogan fruit cake, Ahsoka and the clones had prepared games for them to play and everyone tried very hard to have a good time, even Master Windu. However, his having a good time consisted of conversations only.

"Hey Ana, come over here for a second!" she heard Obi-Wan call her over. She immediately went to join him and the two of them went to talk in the hallway. "I have something for you" he said, pulling out a small box from his pocket. "Satine sent this for you" he explained as Ana slowly began to open it.

The lid opened to reveal a small pin in the shape of the Mandalorian crest. She pulled it out of the box in awe. "It's made of beskar" Obi-Wan explained as she examined it. "Seriously?!". "Yes. You might want to only wear it underneath your robes though, it might attract some unwanted attention at the Temple". Ana smiled at him happily. "Thank you". "You're welcome. Happy seventeenth birthday Ana" he smiled before they returned to the party.

The pin had soon found a place on Anabeth's shelf for her to keep it on display in her room. She had called Satine the evening after the party to thank her for the gift and to tell her all about the party. To Ana this birthday had been her favourite by far. It was now several weeks later though and after Ahsoka had her birthday the other day Ana was now once again back to normal duty. She had just been practising her lightsaber skills with Master Windu when a distress call forced them to stop and go to the briefing room.

"We've received a distress call from the Meridian sector" Master Mundi immediately started as they entered "It came from a cargo outpost in the Cybloc system. They reported a stolen ship, a safe that was broken into but nothing taken out of it and a few destroyed droids that were either pierced through by a plasma torch or a lightsaber. Due to the nature of the report and the fact that the station is close to their previous attack we have reason to suspect that we are dealing with Maul and his brother".

"This is the first lead we have in months. We should send a team to investigate" Plo Koon voiced is opinion. "I agree. Master Gallia's fleet is the closest and Master Kenobi should also tag along" Windu authorized the mission. "I want come along" Ana all of a sudden blurted out. "Ana, we are not even sure it's him" her Master was quick to protest. "You're not sure, but I am. It's Maul and Savage we are dealing with here and I want to come along to talk some sense into him".

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