Chapter 1 | Supply Shortage

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   Through dark-leaved trees, amongst pillars of dark wood bark, a stealthy being, barely seen by its surroundings, but of a rapid zoom, darts through the forest. It never wastes an unnecessary breath, a white, misty fog of vapor, caused by the new cold weather, isn't seen near its rosy, yet cold lips.


It's winter... It's finally winter.

The pack, although always traveling together, is all huddled up now, for their extra warmth and safety. It's easier to find them now, out of all seasons, as of their togetherness. I always keep my distance... I never go to him.

He comes to me.

He knows my scent well. All other times that I don't smell like him, or of Kacchan, he claims I have a very... specific, but faded scent?

Vampire's scents are always more faded. It's what they, the werewolves, claims.

And they know their enemy's scent well... despite it being so faint. It's the faintness itself that sticks out as a giveaway of their enemy to be nearby.


He never takes long to appear.

His march has always been intimidating to most. It screams "Alpha"...

He always greets me the same; his nose, now cold at the touch due to the fresh winter's frost, meets the crook of my neck, as his hands grab onto my waist. He's taller than me by a noticeable difference, it causes him to bend his neck down for a bit. I love his touch...

"How is Katsuki?" he asked. His tone is reserved, as if it's only meant for me to hear.

"Preparing for the winter, still," I responded.

That's when he pulled away, to give me a concerned look. Understandable.

"He doesn't have everything, yet?"
"Blood supply is very short this year..."

He seemed bothered by the truth.

More and more... blood becomes as rare as a luxury for those without wealth.

As our reputation stoops lower, our needs begin to be neglected and deprived from society, and us.

Us, vampires, as seen as filthy beings... violent, dangerous beings who will strip you dry of blood, and lure you in sexually otherwise if we have been said "no".

We're seen as enemies... villains... in a society of three categories.

The heroes... who are werewolves, the villains... who are vampires... and those who live amongst us as neither, but as human beings. Human beings, although being close to rare, are protected by werewolves, from vampires...

I will admit. Just like every specie, every race; vampires can be cold... heartless, unjust, evil...

But it's not all of us.

We're seen wrongly.

And Hitoshi sees that.

"Have you fed yet?"

I have... but Kacchan hasn't.

He's gone three weeks without blood, when vampires can't go four weeks without it.

"Yes... but Kacchan hasn't."

He seems more concerned.

"It's why I've come here..." I added.


The metal garage door pulls up, and the lights of street light poles flood into the invariably dark garage. Already, a threatening hiss lets it be known that the visit isn't welcomed.

"Kacchan," the shortest one calls. "Hitoshi came to help...-"

Blinded by thirst, "Kacchan" jumps from the darkest corner of the garage and launches himself onto the guest, bouncing off the wall as his eyes glowed an unnatural orange-ish red. His fangs, glistening with pooling drool, bare threateningly at the werewolf.

Izuku jumps in immediately, grabbing onto the blonde vampire as he launches himself as well, to throw both him and himself against the furthest corner, protecting the werewolf from further intimidation and/or injury. Hitoshi stares in shock at the sound of impact.

"CONTROL IT." Izuku snarled controllingly. "Control it." He rumbled again, pushing the blonde's head harshly against the ground as he squirmed, and hissed against his stronger grip.

"I see that it's worse, this year..." the werewolf speaks up from further behind them.

"He can't even think anymore..." Izuku spat through an upset sigh. "I don't know what to do...- I've looked everywhere, Hitoshi..." he whined.

"How long has he gone without--?"

He's interrupted by the blonde's screaming, hissing, thrashing of limbs, and demands for feeding... it's a painful scene to witness, truly.

"Third week ends today..." Izuku responded desperately.

The werewolf's body goes cold at the reply. Something frantic snaps inside of him.

"WHY Has he gone this long without blood?!"


Izuku's only option was to knock the vampire unconscious... it's been hard.

Seeing him struggle this way hurts both the vampire, and the werewolf eternally...

He gets up in silence, an expression reading defeat, and neglect, with disgust...

"We're being left to die..." he spat, "no one cares for us..." he continued, fists clutching at his sides.

"And it's why I won't stand for it... any longer..." he growled.


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