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"Bye Levi, I'll see you tonight," Hanji said.

"Be safe with your work," Levi replied.

"Always am!" Hanji said.

Levi grabbed her hand and rolled her sleeve up.

"So...this burn mark is 'safe'?" he asked looking at her.

"That was an accident!" Hanji replied.

"Just a slight combustion issue is all."

"Yeah and I remember how long it took to heal," Levi said.

"Please be careful."

Hanji kissed him.

"Okay, okay, I promise," she said.

"Good," Levi replied, giving her a quick kiss.

Hanji smiled and left. Levi tidied up and cleaned their house. He ended in the kitchen.

"Tch," Levi muttered.

There was Hanji's lunch, sitting on the counter right where he'd put it for her. She somehow still managed to forget it. Levi shook his head. He decided he'd bring it to her during lunch. Plus, Levi always liked a chance to show that Hanji was his woman. He was a little bit on the protective side of her. Levi knew Moblit, Hanji's work assistant had a crush on her or he used to. Levi made a point of making sure Moblit knew Hanji was HIS woman. It's not that Levi disliked Moblit, Levi was just very protective of Hanji and Moblit sometimes helped Hanji with her recklessness.


It was early afternoon now, Hanji had been working hard on a project. It was a type of substance that would eat up oil spills without harming the ocean and life in it. She had to be extra cautious due to the volatile state is could suddenly turn into.

"Hanji, Nifa wants to show you something," Moblit said walking in.

"About?" Hanji asked, not taking her eyes from her work.

"Something regarding the new bio-diesel," Moblit replied.

"Oh! Yes, I do need to see the progress on that," Hanji said.

She hopped up from her stool and followed Moblit out. Moments later, someone slipped in.

"Heh, time to bring this little project to a halt," the mystery person said.

They began to mix random liquids and powders into Hanji's project. It bubbled and changed color.

"Floch! What are you doing in here?" a security guard asked.

"You know Ms. Zoe's lab is off limits."

"I was just hoping to share an idea with her," Floch replied.

"Well you can leave a message at her box," the security guard said.

"Ms. Zoe specifically said this area is off limits, due to her projects being volatile."

"My apologies, I will leave her a message," Floch replied.

The security guard left. Floch smirked. He did what he wanted. Floch tossed one more thing into the beaker containing Hanji's project.


"Great work Nifa, your progress is great!" Hanji said as she left.

"Moblit be sure to note down all the information Nifa has, we can't miss a single thing!"

"Sure thing Hanji, but shouldn't I go with you for your work?" Moblit replied.

"No, no, I'll be fine! I need the information thoroughly written down I trust you to get it done," Hanji said.

"Meet me when you're done."

Moblit nodded and went to do as she asked.


Levi walked into Hanji's building.

"Morning Levi!" Flegel said.

"Hey," Levi replied.

"Stopping by to see Hanji?" Flegel asked.

"Yeah, she forgot her lunch," Levi replied.

"Figured I'd drop by and say hi and give to her."

"How sweet of you!" Flegel teased.

"Oh shut it," Levi muttered.


Hanji headed back to her lab. She sat down and adjusted her glasses.

"That's...strange," Hanji said.

The substance she'd be working on was bubbling. It shouldn't be doing that.

"What the hell..." Hanji muttered leaning down to look at it.


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