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Hanji woke up early, the sun shining through the drapes. She sat up and stretched. Levi wasn't in the room.

"Levi?" Hanji called.

"Out here," Levi replied.

Hanji slowly walked out to the main area.

"Good morning," Levi said with a smile.

"Hi," Hanji replied, as she yawned.

"Breakfasts almost ready sleepy-head," Levi said.

"Are we going somewhere?" Hanji asked seeing the luggage by the door.

"Yes," Levi replied.

"Where?" Hanji asked as she sat down.

"Surprise," Levi replied.

"Awww come on..." Hanji whined.

"No," Levi said.

"Eat your breakfast, then I need to tend to your wounds, get dressed and we're leaving after."

He placed a full plate of food in front of her.

"Smells so good!" Hanji said.

"Your favorite, waffles, bacon and a fresh fruit salad with a cup of herbal tea," Levi replied as he sat down.

The pair ate, Hanji's appetite back to normal which made Levi happy. After breakfast, Levi cleaned up while Hanji got dressed. Levi took great care in tending to her wounds, cleaning then and putting clean bandages on. They headed down to the car and got the suitcases in. Levi started driving.

"Can I...?" Hanji said.

"NO," Levi replied.

Hanji pouted and grumbled.

"What's the point of a surprise if it's not a surprise?" Levi said.

"Come on! I'm dying to know!" Hanji replied.

"Again, no," Levi said.

Hanji huffed and crossed her arms. Levi smirked a little. He continued to drive. After what seemed like forever, to Hanji at least, they arrived. Hanji was snoring softly in the passenger seat. She had had a long few nights so it wasn't that much of a shock. Levi parked and got out.

"Hanji," Levi said gently poking her cheek.

"Come on, wake up."

"Murrrhhh?" Hanji muttered, opening her eye.

"We're here," Levi said.

Hanji smiled sleepily. Levi helped her out of the car.

"Here," he said.

He held out headphones. Hanji looked at him confused.

"Just bear with me," Levi said.

Hanji put the headphones on. Levi motioned for her to get on his back, she did.

"Now close your eyes," Levi said.

"You mean eye..." Hanji muttered.

"You're still perfect to me Zoe," Levi replied.

"No matter the scars, the wounds, nothing will change how I feel about you."

Hanji blushed.

"Now, will you please close your eye?" Levi asked.

"Okay, okay! I'm still curious!" Hanji said.

"No peeking missy," Levi replied.

Levi turned music on in her headphones and began to walk. Hanji was so very curious but she didn't want to ruin what Levi had planned. She rested her head on his shoulder and waited. Soon, Levi stopped and put her down.

"Open your eye," he said as he pulled her headphones off.

Happy music filled the air. Hanji looked around. The music she began to recognize and then she saw it, the gates. The gates to...

"DISNEYLAND!?!?" Hanji exclaimed.

"Welcome to your surprise," Levi said with a smile.

"W-we're really here?! Like for real?!" Hanji replied.

"W-We get to?!"

Levi pulled two tickets out of his pocket. 

Nightmares to DreamsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz