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.... Riley she was looking at someone and she looked at payton he was looking at Riley with drool almost coming out of his mouth... you slap him lightly not tooo hard and say, "PAYTON REALLY!?OMG😔🙄" he looks down, "y/n you know I...." you just roll your eyes, "I'm going to go find dixie" you hold in the tears while speed walking to see her with a griffin it looked like they were still went over there tho, "d-ie-dixie can I please talk to you...*with voice cracks making it obvious your sad. she just ignores griffin and hugs you, "y/n what's wrong omg🥺🥺" "Payton's falling for Riley I think😔" "bbyyy it's fine he loves you with his whole heart you can feel he likes you-wait wait didn't you say you don't have feelings for him!?" "he does no he said he liked his guitar! and yea I don't but I thought I was but it all ended when it happened." dixie was gonna say something but someone came up to was this guy named kairi came up to you and had a smile that was contagious you blush a little he chuckles "hey I'm kairi is saw you and your boyfriend fighting sorry about that you wanna dance for a bit?" "hi I'm y/n!and it's ok! Your so sweet Oop um ok let's go dance ig😂" you guys walked while smiling and started dancing (the amount of amazing songs I can imagine playing in the background) the sing playing was "Mr.loverman(ughh I love that song so much🥺) you guys were all smily and blushing you looked over and saw Payton looking at you guys like this: 🥺😕😔 you felt bad kairi noticed, "hey you ok there y/n you see, a little down...want me to go get some punch for us?" "sure.thx kai :)" while he went to get it payton walked up behind you.. P-hey🥺 Y/n-Payton oh hey.. p-sooo who's the new guy?
Y/n-oh that short guy oh he's kairi he is soo sweet we are going to hang out later what have you been doing? P-watching you guys😕 y/n-Payton you know what you did I hope you regret that P-I do! I'm sorry y/n!🥺🥺I truly didn't mean it Y/n-then why did droll almost come out your mouth huh? P:Y/N listen to yourself right now your basically a jealous little- *kairi came* k-oh um hey Payton right? P-yEa y/n-really payt you didn't have to give attitude he didn't do anything to you P-yea he did... K-man I swear I didn't do anything with her she just seemed down. P-no that's not what you thought at all.i saw how you were looking at her! k-I was just looking around but she is buetiful that doesn't mean I'm flirting it's just facts :) y/n-*hugs kairi P-walks to Riley and hugs her *trying to make you jealous you laugh "ha that bit thought" while putting your arms around both of kai's shoulder and putting your face close to his he leaned in you guys both blushed with you putting your hair around your ear "hey can I go over to your house for the night🥺"
"Ofc!lets go" hii go say bye to dixie and she already knows your into him😼
you guys went over and you met his sister Maiya you guys got along so well you hanged out most of the time while Kari was live with his friend mattia.
(Making a part 3 if I can if not I'll make a book 2💗)

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