Chapter 6

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- Reader's P.O.V -

Tanjiro and I walked out of the village and down the pathway. We walked in comfortable silence, until Tanjiro's crow landed on his shoulder. "Tanjiro! Go with [Y/N] to Asakusa, Tokyo! Rumors of a demon lurking there!" It cawed.

I sighed, "Already?" Tanjiro was thinking the same thing as me and started to argue with the crow. "Hold on just a minute! Give us some time to rest!" He told the crow. "Yea, we killed a demon less than an hour ago." I added. "Just shut up and go already!" Yelled the crow. Jeez, Tanjiro's crow was rude. We sighed in defeat and headed to our next mission.


It started to get dark when we made it to the city. Nezuko had come out of her box and was holding Tanjiro's hand. She looked like she was about to fall asleep any second. The city was huge! There were bright lights everywhere and tons of people. It was too much for me to handle. With widened eyes and my mouth agape, I looked over at Tanjiro. He looked just as shocked as I did.

The streets were crowded and we had to squeeze through people to walk around. I clutched Tanjiro's haori, trying not to get lost in the crowd. I stuck close to Tanjiro, almost like I was hiding behind him. The city was making me nervous, I hate crowds like this. And to make it worse, there were so many advancements that I wasn't used to. As we were walking, a trolly on a track rode past us. You wouldn't never see something like that at my village.

I glanced over at Tanjiro. He pulled a scarf over his head. "Are you okay, Tanjiro?" I asked, concerned. He looked towards me and gave me a small grin. "Yea, just dizzy." There wasn't any way I could help him, especially since I was in the same boat. Close by, there was an alleyway. I pulled in Tanjiro's haori to grab his attention. "Let's go that way so we can get away from the crowd." He agreed with me and pulled us into the alleyway.

Going in there was an awful choice. In front of us were a couple making out. My face flushed "Sorry!" I quickly looked away. "I beg your pardon!" Tanjiro said as his face reddened and he quickly led us out of the alley. We ran through the stands and all of the buildings, it seemed endless. As time went on I slowly started getting more and more nauseous.

Finally, we made it to the outskirts of the city. There weren't as many people here. I felt like I could breathe now. "I do not want to go back in there." I mumbled. "Yea, me either." Tanjiro agreed. We walked past a stand and Tanjiro decided to order. "Excuse me, one bowl of udon with grated yam on top, please." He said, sounding exhausted. He turns towards me. "Would you like anything [Y/N]-chan?" I shook my head. "No thanks, I don't think I can stomach anything right now." We turned and sat on the bench in front of the stand, Tanjiro in the middle of us. I sighed and rested my elbows on my knees, leaning over. "You okay?" Tanjiro asked, place a hand lightly on my back. I smiled at him. "Yea, I'm better now."

"Here's your udon with grated yam on top!" The man held a bowl out to Tanjiro. "Thank you very much." He smiled and took the bowl. He took a sip from the bowl and then gathered the some of the udon up with his chopsticks. He turned towards me. "[Y/N]-chan, would you like a bite? He offered with a smile. I opened my mouth in response, and he fed the the udon. "Thank you, Tanjiro." I said with my mouth full.

Just as he was about to take a bite he froze. I gave him a questionable look. He dropped the bowl and stood up. "Tanjiro?" I said slowly. He grabbed his sword and ran off. "[Y/N]! Stay with Nezuko!" He yelled back at me as he sped off. "What? What's wrong?" I yelled, not getting a response. I looked down at the broken bowl and sighed. What's gotten into him? The man that served us the udon angrily yelled and ran out to Nezuko and I. "What did he do?" He yelled. "I don't know! I'm sorry! I'll help you clean it up sir!" I waved my hands frantically. Gee, Tanjiro, thanks a lot for getting me into this.

After a little bit, Tanjiro came back. He looked distressed. But before I could question him, the man started yelling at him. "I can not forgive you for your lack of intent to eat my udon, all right!" He yelled. "I'm so sorry! Please serve me another bowl! I promise I'll eat it!" He apologized. "And you!" He pointed at me. "You're going to eat a bowl too, you hear me!" I nodded quickly. Then he turned to Nezuko, telling her the same thing he told me. In turn, Tanjiro had another bowl in place of Nezuko's.

The man brought out three bowls, one me for and two for Tanjiro. We ate as fast as we possibly could, trying to satisfy the man. I set down my bowl, thanking the man for the meal, Tanjiro doing the same soon after. We waved goodbye to him and walked off.

"Sorry for leaving you two behind." Tanjiro told us. I was about to tell him it's okay but Nezuko stopped. She had a mean expression. Looking ahead, there was a boy with light green hair staring at us. Tanjiro pulled us towards him. "So, you've been waiting for us?" Tanjiro started. "Only because I was told to bring you to see her." The boy looked kinda mad. "Isn't that woman a demon?" He pointed towards Nezuko. "And an eyesore to boot." I looked at him, shocked. An eyesore? Nezuko was beautiful, how could he think that?

That comment pissed Tanjiro off. "Who in their right mind would call her an eyesore? Just take a good look at her features! She was the beauty of our hometown! Our Nezuko!" He screamed, showing Nezuko off. This was amusing, so I decided to play along with it. "Exactly! Can you not see properly? Just look at how pretty she is! Her hair! Her eyes!" The green haired boy wasn't having it. "Let's go." He said simply. Tanjiro was still fuming.

We arrived at a fence. Tanjiro was still trying to make the boy agree that Nezuko was pretty. Honestly, it was getting kind of annoying. The boy looked over at me and gestured me to follow him. We both walked through the fence while Tanjiro was still busy showing Nezuko off. "Hurry up, while no one's looking." The boy said impatiently to the other two.

On the other side of the fence was a huge house. The boy started talking nonsense to Tanjiro, telling him not to offend the person in the house and that he doesn't care what happens to him. But I zoned out, not caring about their dispute.

We walked into a room. There was a girl with her hair tied in a bun. There was also another girl laying down in a bed, injured. "Isn't treating human wounds unbearable for you?" Tanjiro asked her. I guess this women is a demon, then. A lot happened while Tanjiro left apparently. After Tanjiro's comment, the boy punched him in the stomach. I grimaced, that was a hard punch. Tanjiro apologized and after that the woman introduced herself as Tamayo. The boy's name was Yushiro.

Tamayo led us to a room. She started explaining how she lives and how she changed her body to resist normal demon behavior. She told us it took two hundred years to turn Yushiro into a demon. Tanjiro, not learning his lesson from before, foolishly asked her age. Which Yushiro responded by punching him again. I sighed, this was gonna be a long night.

Tanjiro asked if there was a way to turn a demon back into a human. "There is a way, but we cannot right now." She said sadly. "But we are dedicated to establishing such a method." She reassured. "I would like to ask a favor of you. To produce a treatment like this, I would need to study the blood on numerous demons. So, I ask if you'd allow me to study your sister's blood, and if after ever demon you kill, return a sample of their blood to me." Tanjiro thought for a moment. "If there's no other way, than I'll do it."

All of the sudden, something was thrown through the wall. I gasped and tried to follow it with my eyes, but it was moving incredibly fast.  "Get down!" Yushiro yelled. Tanjiro jumped over to me and Nezuko to shield us from the attack. Through the hole in the wall, I could see two demons. One with its eyes closed, and another with two balls in her hand.


Word count: 1500

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