I have three days left until the semester begins, and I am no way near ready. I mean my comeback has to be epic. I definitely need new clothes, do something with my hair, get my nails done, get my car to the paint shop and also pick my courses. I get anxious just thinking about all the things I have to get done in three days.

I really hate shopping, I used to love going with my mom, we'd go shopping together every time we got bored, we'd literally try on different clothes for hours. Shopping was our bonding time, until she got too busy with work. We hardly went shopping again and even when we did, she was always in a hurry, so we stopped going.
I finally decide to call Mason.

"Mason, have I ever told you how much I love you?", I ask immediately he answers

"Uh oh, what do you want now?" he responds

"I need you to go shopping with me".

"No way, ask someone else", he says

"Well, I would if there was someone else to ask, plus I need a second opinion. Please we'd just pop in and pop out", I told him

We didn't just pop in and pop out, it's been an hour and we were just in the second store. I had to promise Mason tickets to a live band.

"Okay, so about this one?" I ask him. I was trying on a white lace crop top and a pair of black high wasted jeans. I looked really cute, the jeans fit perfectly and they highlight my curves.

"What's the difference between this and the last one you tried?", he asks

"Duh, that top was really plain and I didn't like the colour. Pay attention Mase!" I scold him

After a few more stops, we go to eat. I didn't realise how much I missed shopping until today. I had gotten Max a few things too. I had promised to get him the latest PS4 console. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when I gave it to him. It felt really good to be able to afford what I wanted.

"So, did you get a call already?", I ask him after our order had been taken.

"Oh my God, yes. I forgot to mention it to you, I got the call yesterday after I got home". He says

"Congratulations! I knew you'd get it, so when do you start?"

"Monday, I'm actually nervous. It's my first real job since college."

"You'd do fine Mase, they'd be lucky to have you" I assure him

Mason had always dreamt of being an accountant. His dad was one before he died and Mason always wanted to be one in order to feel closer to his dad. That's one of the reasons we bonded, we both understood what it was like to loose a parent, well in my case, two. I remember how we first met, it was a while after my parents died, I had been crying outside of Mars and Bans, and he approached me. I told him everything that happened, it felt so good to actually talk to someone about it except my therapist. He explained to me how he lost his dad to cancer and how he only had his mom.

I actually feel bad not telling him about what I had found out about my parents' death but I honestly haven't really processed it myself and I also don't know what kind of danger I'd be putting him in if I told him about it.

"I hope so" , he responds

"Okay, we have to go for my hair appointment", I tell him after we had eaten.

"You said we were just going shopping, Sam" , he states angrily

"If I had told you about my hair appointment, you wouldn't have come", I say

"Ugh, you're lucky I love you", he tells me

Two hours later, I'm heading home. I had already dropped Mason at his house. Max was't back yet, Mrs Dohan had agreed to drop Max at home today. While waiting for him, I prepare our dinner and when I'm done I head over to the bathroom to take a shower. I'm staring at myself in the mirror and I loved how different I looked, I decided to go strawberry blonde and cut my hair shoulder length. I'm truly on my way to an epic comeback, I thought to myself as I continue to look at myself in the mirror.

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