Patience wasn't my strongest suit, my mom had always told me when I was younger.
I always acted before I thought. And that was what was going to get me killed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Zach asked me, his face was red now. I was going to  die.

"Cara and Henry Baker, you killed them " I said. He was shocked, he knew who they were. I could tell from the eyes opened in surprise and recognition

"Look, you have no idea what you're getting into". He said but I didn't miss the fear in his voice.

"My parents were murdered, I know exactly what I'm getting myself into. Why did you have them killed?" I shouted

"What?" That was Kayden, I turned towards the door and there he was, looking confused.

"Dad, what is she talking about?" He asked his dad completely ignoring me.

"Son, it's not what you think. I had nothing to do with it" Zach responded. How dare he lie?

"So why did she say that?" Kayden was asking all the questions for me, it was like I wasn't even present .

"I can't say anything, he'd have us killed once he finds out!" Zach said, he was panting now. He was more responsive when Kayden asked the questions but I couldn't stop myself

"Who are you talking about? What exactly happened?" I said facing Zach. He didn't respond, he just stood there looking at his son. He looked ashamed like he had disappointed his son.

"Dad, if you still want any kind of relationship with me, it'd be best if you start talking" Kayden said to his dad. Zach looked around, like he was scared of talking but he also didn't want to loose his son. He removed his jacket and sat on the chair beside him.

"His name's Richard, he and your mom used to work for me" He said facing me. I was about to pass out, suddenly the room felt hot. He had to be lying, he's making all this up to cover up for himself.

"You're lying" I whispered but loud enough for them to hear.

"I'm not, I promise you I'm telling the truth" Zach said

"Why would he kill my parents" I asked, Kayden was quiet now, looking back and forth between his father and I

"I was heading home after work one night, I heard people fighting at the research lab. When I went over there it was Cara and Richard, I don't know what they were arguing about but it was loud and Richard sounded really angry, Cara was crying hysterically but I left before they saw me, the next day, I heard your parents had died" Zach said.

My legs were shaking, I needed to sit down. Kayden dragged me over to a chair that was farther away from Zach. When I had settled he continued

"I confronted him about it and told him I had heard he and Cara the other night arguing, and that I was going to report him to the police about what I had seen and that's when he threatened me to keep my mouth shut or my family was next. I couldn't say anything because I didn't want my family dead, I'm sorry". He said sobbing now.

Before I could respond, my phone began to ring. It was Sarah

"Sam, I-I'm sorry" she was crying. I stood up now

"Sarah, what's going on? Is Max okay?"

"I can't find him, we were out for ice cream and-"

I didn't let her finish, I was running towards the door now

"Sam, what's going on?" Kayden asked following me

"Max is missing"

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