How They Met

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(Warning: Angst)

   Tears flowed down his cheeks like waterfalls. He's feet tired as he ran holding a little girl in his arms. The sound of a gun shot echoed in his ears. After hours of running his knees finally gave in. His grip on his sister tightens as his knees fall on the pavement scratching knee caps.
     "Kai?" Nyas voice was dry from all the crying, her eyes puffy and red.
     "It's okay sis, I'm here." Kai embraced his shorter twin. "I-I'm here." Kai croaked as held back his tears.
I have to stay strong. I have to believe they're okay.
Kai gets back back up from the ground as Nya raps her arms around him and berries her head in the crock of his neck. Kai winced, his knee caps were burning. He took in a deep breath and kept going.
An hour later he finds an abandoned park.
"We can stay here for awhile."
Kai leans into Nyas ear "Think you can climb the fence?" Nya nods.
Kai lifts Nya up as she climbs up the fence, Kai grabs the top and jumps over. He grabs Nya and brings her back in his arms. Kai looks around for a place to sit. He finds an old somewhat broken bench.
"This will have to do." He sets Nya down.
    Kai sat down next her, his head tilted towards the ground.
    Was running the right thing?
    "Are you two alright?" Kai wiped his head in the direction of the kid.
    In front of him was small child, he had sandy blonde hair with bangs. His skin was really pale, he looked fragile and easy to break and his eyes were like emeralds.
    Kai was shocked why was a child here? And where did he come from?
    "Sorry I couldn't help but notice you from the fence, you looked sad." The child eyes fell to the floor as he spoke.
    The little boy noticed Kai's knee caps, they were dirty and the wounds were painted with blood. The child gasped "You're hurt. Hold on."
    The blonde reached with in his pocket and grabbed out a box of bandaids. He takes two of the bandaids and place them on each knee cap. "Here, all better."
    Kai was in awe a stranger was being nice to me he thought. "W-Who are you?"
    Lloyd blinked then laughed nervously "Oh! Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My names Lloyd, what's yours?"
    "Kai and this is my sister Nya."
"Where are your parents?" Nya and Kai's lips quivered "W-we don't know."
Lloyd's expression softened, he gently places his hands on Nya and Kai's cheeks "Hey," he smiles softly "you guys can stay with my mom and I until we find your parents."
Nya's face lights up "Really?"
Lloyd nods. Nyas frown curls into a big bright smile. She turns her twin "Can we?"
Kai glances at Lloyd a soft smile still on his face. Kai didn't know if he could trust him, but something inside him couldn't help to have the urge to keep him forever. Kai sighed "Alright."
Lloyd's smile becomes bigger, he grabs Kai's hand and pulls him off the bench "Come on."
Nya giggles running beside her brother as Lloyd drags him across the grass. Kai's cheeks felt warm. Lloyd's hands are so soft, is he even a boy?
    Lloyd takes the two out of the abandoned park and towards a dock. At that dock is a women with ginger hair and green eyes. She's talking to a man with a black goatee and blonde hair, and for some odd reason he's wearing a straw hat.
    "Mom!" Lloyd waves his hand up in the air as he ran faster to the lady.
    "Oh! Lloyd sweetie you made friends!" Lloyd's mom smiled. Though Kai and Nya found it odd, she sounded so surprised. Lloyd is a caring person, how does he not have any friends?
    "Mom we need your help." Lloyd let go of Kai's hand "Kai and Nya can't find their parents."
    Lloyd's mom gasped. The straw hat man took a step closer to Lloyd "Koko you take the kids back to your apartment. I'll head to the police to explain the situation." Koko nods, she picks all three kids up "Come on, I'll make something nice for you kids to eat." Nya smiles I like this Lady she thought.
It's been a week and no sign of Kai and Nyas parents, and the twins started to loose hope. Kai was in Lloyd's room staring at the ceiling his eyes showing signs of sadness. Lloyd walked in his room and sat down next to Kai, but he didn't talk, he just sat there in comfortable silence.
    Kai gazed his eyes over to the blonde "Lloyd."
    Lloyd hums in response as his emerald eyes connect with kais amber ones.
    "It's okay, if you don't want to talk about then I won't force you," Kai sighs in relief "but, you do owe your sister a apology."
    Kai tensed up and grits his teeth "Why...?" Kai push's his back straight in the air "Why I do I have to apologize?! She started it!"
    Lloyd puffed his cheeks "Kai, I know your upset but Nya cares about the disappearance of your parents just as much! She was just trying to help."
    Kai choked, tears began pouring down his face "I-I screamed at her, sh-she hates me now."
(I just realized that I didn't say how old they are, just for clarification they are 11 years old.)
    Lloyd pulled kai into a sweat embrace as kai sobbed at the crook of Lloyd's neck. Lloyd remembers what his mom does when he's sad and copies her movement on to Kai. Lloyd began rubbing Lloyd's back in circular motions "No, no, no she doesn't hate you."
    "*Hick* How can you be so sure?"
    "I'm not, but I know if you go apologize she won't hate you."
    Kai let's go of Lloyd "Promise?"
    Lloyd gives the brunette a sweat smile "Promise."
    And so kai walks out of Lloyd's room to apologize, and Lloyd was right she didn't hate him. Through out the week Kai experienced emotions he barely showed before. Excitement, confidence, and he even began to be content with himself.
    Kai couldn't believe how lucky he became when this little blonde came into his life. Even when he found out he was the son of Garmadon, he didn't care. He knew Lloyd had a good heart and well that all that matters to him.
    Because Lloyd was the reason he smiled.

Authors Note:
Hey guys so this is the one shot I was talking about for this fanfic. I hope you guys enjoyed it! If you guys have any suggestions for the next chapter that would be great :3 If you don't then that's okay to no pressure. Hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend and good bye!

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