Chapter 4

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Marinette swung into the alleyway and detransformed. Something Chat had said to her earlier stuck with her. 

"After all, it is lonely walking by yourself."

Who had said that to her?



Adrien had said that to her.

Oh. My. God. 



Was Chat Noir Adrien?

There's no way that the gorgeous blonde model could play the part of a sarcastic black cat. 

Oh my God.

On top of that, she had been rejecting Chat Noir for MONTHS. It was Adrien all this time? She could have been dating him!

"Tikki, spots on!"

Marinette, now Ladybug, now swung back into the air. She had to confess her love to Chat Noir - Adrien?


Ladybug  watched Chat Noir deliver Charlotte to her door. He was so sweet - how hadn't she noticed this before?

"Chat!" Ladybug yelled from across the road. "I have to talk to you!"

Chat swung across the road, his beautiful abs glistening in the pale moonlight. 

Wait, what?

"Chat, I need to tell you something."

"Go for it."

"I, well, I found out who you are. Adrien."

Chat's face seemed to turn pale as his body visibly tensed.

"And, well, I like you." 

She grabbed him by the arm in a sudden burst of confidence, and pulled him into the nearest alleyway. 

"Take off your mask. I know who you are, and I love you." 

Chat, almost in a daze, whispered the words.

"Plagg, claws in!"

Marinette immediately launched herself towards him, locking his lips in hers.

They fell to the ground, embracing each other.


Marinette woke up in her bed two weeks later, feeling groggy and tired. She tried to get out of bed, and felt nauseous beyond belief.


She hadn't gotten her period in a while. Maybe she should- take a pregnancy test?

She walked towards the bathroom, unsure.


No way.

She had to talk to Adrien!

Suddenly she heard the news blasting from downstairs: 

"Adrien Agreste found dead at 14. His father refused to comment."

Marinette fell to the floor in tears. What will she do now? Curling up in a ball, she wished Chat was there to comfort her 3'2 self.

She felt so lonely.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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