The Last Night on Earth

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October 13th, 2020

Well as far as 19th birthdays go I think I could have had worse, especially in 2020. I spent most of the day looking through my phone and watching tv, trying desperately to ignore what day it is. My grandparents gave me some bedsheets? And I now have more money for shit I don't need. Whoo hoo-

My journaling comes to an abrupt end, you'd think I'd have more to say, some profound words with which to gift the world. Instead I sound like I'm 12 years old again. I slam the notebook shut and upon its impact, my whole room begins to shake. I stare at my hand in disbelief before realizing my outburst was not the cause of vases and picture frames falling from their place in my home. My next rational thought makes much more sense: an earthquake. I reside nowhere near a fault line, but the structure of this building is shaking more by the second, it's the only explanation. I quickly check my pockets for the essentials: phone, lighter, cigarettes, wallet. All present and accounted for, I jog down to my front door and step into the outside world; in perfect time for the building to collapse... and every building around me seems to have gone with it. The sky is a blackened scarlet, stars are muffled by pollution and screams.

Sirens like a choir fill my street with dread. Entire apartment complexes and sky scrapers have crashed into the ground. Everywhere people are trapped within buildings, inside of wreckage, and underground. The atmosphere itself almost seems to have caught fire.

An ambulance races past me, only for its wheels to catch on a severity damaged portion of asphalt merely 12 feet away from me. The vehicle flips multiple times before crashing through guardrails on the other side of the street, and into the bay. I watch water claim the roaring metal beast but see no one even struggling inside. It's as if the vehicle was empty.

In only seconds my city transformed into a literal hell on earth. Anything that wasn't ablaze, was already ash. 

I stare in disbelief at all the fire and death spread before me as I stagger farther into the street. I check my phone but there is no cell service, no internet, what the hell is happening?

A roaring engine sounds in the distance, but quickly approaching. My senses are so dulled I notice nothing until a red motorcycle has screeched to a halt, having come only inches from crippling me.

"Either get out of the road or get on. Whichever you choose, hurry. We don't have any time."

"Wh... What? Who are you? What's happening?"

"Stay here and die or hop on and survive a few more hours. My name is Sky. Nobody knows what's happening."

Severely confused I shakily climb aboard and hold tightly on to a stranger's waist before we lurch forward. They expertly navigate the new potholes and almost destroyed pavement, reaching speeds of 80 miles per hour.

"Where are we going?!" I shout through the wind.
"A safe house! One of the few buildings left standing; my family is there waiting!"

We ride around flames and debris as I stare in shock and the utter destruction that surrounds us. Something whistles directly in front of me and I am suddenly pulled from the bike. A thick wire stretching from a decrepit roof to the railing across the street has come between me and momentum, forcing me to the ground and knocking the wind out of me as I tumble and roll, scraping half the skin on my body. My ride is halted just as abruptly as I watch yet another wire shoot in front of us, only this time it connects with the bike tire, launching its  driver forward and nearly destroying the front half of the motorcycle.

I gather my strength and shaky arms manage to lift me from my stomach to my knees.


My scream feels like nothingness, no echo, hardly any noise, only weak desperation.

"I'm ok!" They shout back though their helmet muffles the sound.

My body aches, I'm bleeding in multiple places but I find the faint strength to stand and begin slowly walking towards Sky.

"Not for long you won't be. Look at what I caught boys! That bike looks brand new!"

Three men in tacky leather vests emerge from the shadows to my right, each of them brandishing a crude weapon and a perverted smile. The man who spoke, in the middle of the two, turns his head abruptly and stares through my eyes before flashing another sick grin.

"And just where in fuck do you think you're going?"

"What the shit is happening?
"My brothers and I here are confiscating this fine vehicle of yours."
"Like hell you are."

Blood pools into my mouth before I spit it onto the ground where their boots stand. They slowly approach me, laughing and sneering.

"You are in no position to negotiate with us."

Their leader speaks before punching me in the gut, sending me back to my knees. His hand rests under my chin as he tilts my head up to look at him.

"Now you can either cooperate, or have a very fun time with me and my brothers here which, after many hours of suffering will result in your very painful death. Got it?"

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