R U Mine?

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"Got it," a cold voice behind him replies.

Before he even has time to turn around a sharp bang fills the air and blood sprays from the new cavern in the man's skull, showering me in crimson. What's left of his eyeball hangs loosely from its socket; brain matter adorns my clothes and the ground all around us. When his body limply falls to its knees I see Sky, one hand holding their ribcage, the other holding a twelve gauge sawed off shotgun. Kicking the villain's body fully onto the ground with their boot, they elbow the man to their left in the face and use their remaining slug to shoot the third man in the chest.

"Get up. They weren't alone and we're out of time." They say as they turn around and quickly move towards an alleyway.

Me on the other hand? I vomit for a solid ten seconds and it takes me another thirty seconds to prepare to stand. No matter how much I will it to, my body will not move. I see Sky reload the shotgun as they round the dark corner.

"Hey wait! You were thrown even father than I was how come you're walking around and beating people up? And what the fuck is going on? Why do you have a gun?!"

They turn around and walk towards me, reaching out their hand for me to take. I grasp it and manage to stand, barely.

"I've been in a lot of crashes before, I'm used to the pain. As for what's going on, I have a haunting suspicion that this world is not ours. I don't know who's else it would be, but whatever the case I know we don't belong here." They hand me a belt of shotgun shells as we walk.

"You know how to reload this right?"
"I mean if it's like Call of Duty then yeah totally."
"Good 'cause that fucker's friends are here and I'm going to need your help this time."
"What, more goons from the Princess Dumbass Gang?"

"Why yes I am a mother fucking princess," a burly voice rumbles behind me and I turn around to see a six foot seven inch person in a bedazzled jean jacket vest, and a beautifully styled beard; they are also sporting a very lovely and accentuating amount of makeup.

"I'm sorry ma'am I meant no offense."
"None taken." She says before pulling a baseball bat from its sheath on her back.

I notice that her weapon is made of wood and very old yet sturdy as she rears back to smash my face in. Her bat is bright pink but somehow this makes it look more menacing.

"Move!" I hear sky shout.
We bolt down the alley not daring to so much as look behind us.
After several minutes of sprinting and sharp turns, Sky grabs my wrist and ducks behind a dumpster.
"How far... until.. the safe... house?" I say panting quietly.
"It's just a few blocks from here we should be able to make it." They sound completely unfazed, not even breathing heavily.
"Do you have any other weapons? So I can do something besides throw shotgun shells at them and insult their fashion?"
"Um yeah I have these," They say before reaching into their leather coat pocket and pulling out a pair of rusty brass knuckles.

I hesitantly accept and place them on my hands as Sky finally removes the bulky riding helmet and sets it on the ground. Their lip is split but aside from that they look untouched by all of the wreckage we've encountered.

"So who are these people chasing us?"
Their expression becomes solemn as they take a deep breath, preparing to explain.

"They are a rogue apocalyptic bike gang that worships their leader and brings him vehicle parts or hostages to use as he sees fit. The strongest of them, some of whom have various physical mutations, are called the hunters. The weaker members work inside of the giant community they've constructed in the center of the city. They would have control over this whole area if not for the few of us fighting back. They are responsible for the death of my mother and the enslavement of my best friend."

"Really??" I say in disbelief and astonishment.
"No dumbass I have no idea who these people are. They attacked us out of nowhere, and all I know is they probably won't let up on searching for us since I blew one of their "brother's" head off."

A sharp repetitive pinging noise sounds from down the alley; the echo is distant but it seems to be getting closer. I hear multiple voices chattering amongst themselves:
"They're this way"
"Come on let's get 'em"
"They're gonna pay for what they did to Slim and the boys"
"I call dibs on the dick with the shotgun."

A huddled group of bikers rounds the corner and I am pulled back behind the dumpster just in time by my partner.

"What did you see?"
"One of them is holding a pistol, Princess is with them-"
"Yeah the lovely bodybuilding lady with a baseball bat, keep up. Anyway another one has a taser and the last one just has a really bad haircut."

Their steps move closer and closer and the pinging intensifies.

Panic rises in my chest and I turn to Sky for an answer.

"What do we do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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