Chapter One

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"Damn it," a girl's voice says when my cup of waterfalls in top of her.

"watch it!" I respond to her looking at the mess on the floor.

"you watch it!" I raise my head to see this annoying person, and fuck for my surprise is her, I have never been this closer to her, I haven't been this close to those full pink lips that I fantasy all the time, her long black hair wrapped around my fist pushing myself deeper into her wet, warm mouth, looking at her as I come all over her chest, her glaze makes me come back to reality, her green-blue eyes are looking at reading my expression, expecting something from me.

Fuck this chick looks perfect without a single trace of makeup. What the fuck did I...? I have to get far from her, I walk past her and her scent fill my nostrils, jasmines. I go back to the kitchen and refill my cup of water.

"let's do something fun, I'm bored" Greeicy annoying voice behind me, she is so needy not of me especially, she is needy of attention, she is fun, even more, when I am inside of her, but today I'm invested in something someone else.

"but I am not, so get the fuck out" and I push her out of my way, I find my way back to that balcony. When I walk in is only her and I, she is leaning against the balcony her sweeter is tied around her waist, and minutes ago her hair was in a bun, now is down her ass, I make my way to the opposite of her, I just trying to not look like a creep but I can't control myself when I see how she brings a cigarette to her gorgeous lips, how can she kill herself like that.

"I thought you weren't one of those chicks" she turns around to look at me and says.

"what?" I can hear the innocence in her voise.

"the kind that smokes, --- honestly I thought that you were one of those girls that are perfect, but I can see that is just an act" I am a bit disappointed, because most of the time I see her running in the halls the only thing I can see is that she is fake she acts perfect, probably perfect family, perfect life.

"You are not wrong in somethings you just said but I am not going to explain myself to you because if I do I will have to do it with everybody in this party, and I don't want" when she finish with her explanation a clear fake smile comes from her, letting me see her dimples, but something else calls my attention.

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