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Name:  Della Auborn

Nicknames: None

Age: 16

Birthday: April 16th

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Languages: English



clothing: she wears gray pants that are made of loose fabric that is tighter at the waist and a tighter cropped top that resembles a bra. Her pants have multiple pockets in it where she keeps random things such as bandaids, pencils, her vape and candy

Hair colour: dark brown

Hair style: see picture

Eye colour: dark brown

Scars: none



Mental illnesses: mild depression

Physical illnesses: none

Habits: fidgets a lot

Phobias: none


Personality: she is a very quirky girl who does a lot of things for attention, she loves being around people and joking with them often going to great lengths for a laugh or comments. She is a rather likeable person most finding her easy to like, but she can be overwhelming, she really likes adventures and has suggested sneaking out a night many times but for all her big talk she's quite a coward. She is slightly insecure using a lot of her big talk and faked confidence/attention seeking to hide that, she loves music and video games happy to sleep all day and do her own thing all night. She doesn't have much of an attention span and will dictate on one thing for a 2 weeks or so before she's onto rambling about the next thing to any who will listen

Fears: losing her family/friends, death/injury, blood

Strengths: social, funny, likeable, surprisingly smart, knows many fun facts, picks up on things quickly,

Weaknesses: tries to hard sometimes, does stupid things, attention seeking, "I just wanna sleep.", a bit of a coward, kinda insecure, short attention span

Likes: music, memes, fidget toys, origami,
Adventures, groups of people, night time, fireflys, fantasy video games

Dislikes: when it's too hot out, feeling ignored, the ocean, sea food, flowers, seeming cowardly, spring

Occupation: waitress part time

Ethnicity: biracial(Filipinos, native american, unknown)

Birthplace: n/a

Backstory: she grew up quite normally with no significance events other then her parents divorce when she was 4, she was always a rather social girl having large friend groups that never really stuck,
She was always in trouble more often then not for small reasons due to her mothers worrisome nature. She has always had a good relationship with her brother and out of all her family members he's probably her favourite due to their joking argumentative behaviour

- character in hopefulfirebird applyfic

-she's allergic to pollen

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