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Name: Jada Harvlin

Nicknames: she goes by the name Celesta

Age: 15

Birthday: January 23rd

Gender: unknown/undecided. closest would be Agender. she doesn't identify with a gender but they feel more connected to feminine things

pronouns: she/her, they/them, angel/angelself(neopronouns)

Sexuality: biromantic asexual

Languages: english and a tiny bit of spanish

Power; purification, she can turn anything dirty/tinted back to its "pure" state, right now it isn't that strong of a power but as they uses it more she will be able to break things down to its pure state, aka revert it back to its elements. ex) water would become the 2 gases of hydrogen and oxygen
side effects or drawbacks ; it makes her feel dizzy, like she's flouting or dissolving often throwing her into feelings of unreality/dissociation where she can will occasionally have "visions." angel  believes will one day tell her when to ascend.


appearance: she is a slim, underweight girl with very few curves and a flat chest who is incredibly pale due to their albinoism, she has full lips and a broad nose and her face is slim with the only defined bones her jaw bones. her hair is coily and is naturally a fluffy afro that is rather long currently, she refuses to let it get cut and if the scientists want to they have to sedate her. their eyes are a pale bluey purple colour and are often partially covered by angels light yellowy, nearly white hair.

clothing: in the ideal world where Celesta could wear whatever she wanted she would like to wear flowey white dresses with lace/mesh and small designs embroidered on that can't be seen unless you look for them. but since the world sucks she wears whatever is gave to her, preferably in white/pale colours but she lets other pick first if they even can pick. they believe in dressing more on the modest side, normally covering angelself.

Hair colour: very light blonde nearly white

Hair style: loose, forms an afro

Eye colour: pale blue

Scars: random ones from surgery's/experiments

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: none


Mental illnesses/disabilities: unknown, depression, panic disorder

Physical illnesses/disabilities : poor eyesight




Personality: Celesta has a very carefully made act of happiness and innocence that she has worked hard to maintain since their delusions started, she is publicly a very soft spoken helpful individual trying to hide any amount of worry or fear she might feel at that moment, successfully 95% of the time. underneath that she is a obsessive individual with beliefs/delusions rooted deep inside angels behaviour. celesta believes they are an angel, who's being tested by what is going on around her so she can ascend, becoming her true self. she is prone to doing risky things as she believes they will help her ascend faster and if someone tries to debate their beliefs with angel, she will become quite agressive verbally very fast before realizing that she is and leaving the person to go pout. she doesn't like showing large emotions as she thinks it makes her human. she is prone to panic or anxiety attacks, which she shamefully hides as much as she can. seeing it as a sign she isn't passing her tests, and this is gods way of telling her so. she is rather intelligent, though that is cancelled out by how naive she is. she is just playing at being happy with her act, internally her self hatred is thinly blanketed by her beliefs

Fears:  not being able to ascend, failure, being human

Strengths: smart, good at puzzles, helpful, kind,

Weaknesses: compromising, their mental state, stubborn, self care who's that? physically weak

Likes: small fluffy animals, farms, cows, the colour white, myths, nice people, sweet things, carrots, puzzles, clouds, stars, soft/fluffy textures

Dislikes: panic attacks, being told they aren't an angel, people who wouldn't use all of angels pronouns, steamed veggies, oatmeal, strong scents, forests, cars
strengths ; smart, good at puzzles, helpful, kind,

Occupation: none

Ethnicity: African American

Birthplace: Idaho

Backstory: she was born to an overly religious family in a small town, and surprisingly she had a good childhood, other then angels parents strong beliefs being pushed on her, leading her to where she is today. she wasn't willingly gave to the government instead abducted when she and her friend were walking home

-used in slushanddusk rp

-she often hides thing in her hair

-they loves mint flavoured things

-she refuses to believe her mental state is less then perfect

-they switch between hating angelself and loving themselves.

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