Chapter 1 (To School)

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    Going into the eleventh grade isn't really an accomplishment for me. But lasting all these years without making a single friend IS my one and only accomplishment. I'm practically invisible. No. Definitely invisible, but my brother on the other hand is probably the most stuck-up athletic jock I've ever seen or known of. Before this gets to cringey and predictable I am going to change the subject. But before I do, this is your last warning and I mean very last warning that what you are about to read will be the most frightening and traumatic thing you'll ever come to pass.

    The classic iPhone alarm on my phone sounded, notifying me of probably the worst day of my life, the first day of school. Well not just any first day of school. The day that changed all of our lives. I struggled to get up only until my twin brother, Travis, came around the corner yelling some retarded football chant. I pushed myself up and peaked out the blinds. The grass wet with dew, little kids riding their bikes to grade school, and the teenagers walking with bagged lunches in their hands. That is the fairly large town of Weston. I grabbed my shirt and my phone as I slipped into my jeans.

    "Dylan! Hurry up! I won't wait forever for you!" Travis yelled from downstairs.

As I wondered why he was waiting for me, I grabbed my book-bag and quickly ran down the stairs. Travis patted me on the back and opened the door,

    "Ah the fresh air of Weston. Don't you just love this town?"

    "So why did you just now decide to start talking to me?" I proclaimed as we jogged down the stairs.

    "Listen dude, you can't live life in a stupid shell like your lazy ass does." He grabbed his phone. "Gotta go, Mackenzie needs someone to walk her"

    I sighed. "And just like that you leave me! What a great sibling!" I yelled to Travis as he ran off in the distance.

    See now you know exactly what I mean, invisible. And as soon as someone starts to talk to me, they find something more important to do. Now don't get me wrong, I am in NO way emo or goth. I'm just a loner geek who does everything by themselves.

    After minutes of walking alone, I finally walked up the steps to the main entrance of Weston High School. Students crowding the hallways, and the PDA couples making out, and the teachers writing dress code violations already. This seems very normal to me. But little did I know what would happen this very night would change my life.

    As I walked to my first period class, I noticed that there's lockers broken, and white paint sloppily covering vandalism. Even a window to the cafeteria was slashed. It was very eerie. There was never anything in the news about Weston High School being vandalized.

    Surprisingly the first day flies by. But it comes to stop when Mackenzie, the popular cheerleader, Travis, the popular jock, Rylie, the emo girl, Brandon, the stoner, and me, the loner geek get called to the office. One by one we enter the office. Travis first, then Mackenzie, then Brandon, then Rylie, and then last but definitely least, me. Principal Jenkins bestows us with envelopes, one by one. Travis, Mackenzie, Brandon, Rylie, and then me.

    As I begin to open it Jenkins with his nerdy, high pitched voice interrupts, "Do NOT open them now. You must open them when you arrive at your homes."

    As oddly as I was spooked, I was intrigued. Maybe it was an honors invitation, but then again there's no way Travis made that. Or maybe it was a party of some sort, but why would Jenkins hand them to us and be so concerned. We all stuffed the envelopes in our bags not thinking anything of it. But when I got up and began walking to class my mind went crazy with possible situations. I arrived at class and sat back down in my assigned seat. My calculus teacher rambled on and I rambled on in my notes. But when I looked behind me I realized Rylie was staring at me. I turned back around and went on with my notes.

I wrote extremely fast to ensure I stayed caught up. Because in this class, when you're a second behind, all hell breaks loose. I looked up at the clock and closed my notebook. And shortly after the teacher announced to the class that we could pack up, everyone shoved their books and pencils or pens into their bags and gathered around to last minute talk. When the bell rang I stood up and left the class along with the herd of students. Somehow Rylie beat me out and was waiting at the lockers for me.

    "Dude, did you read the note?" she said to me as she leaned on the lockers.

    "Umm no? Jenkins asked us to wait till we get home."

    "Oh my god dude. Stop being such a rule follower. This is some crazy stuff though. It has an address. Like no joke." After finishing what she said Rylie looked at me and walked away.

    And now thanks to her all of the different possibilities are running through my mind again. I grabbed my phone and dialed Travis' number. I held the phone up to my ear patiently waiting for him to pick up.

    "Bro what's up?" he quickly said after he finally answered.

    "I don't know. Rylie just came up to me and told me that the letter had an address."

    "Who? And what?

    I sighed. "Rylie. And the letter from Jenkins."

    "Oh" he laughed. "Still don't know who that is but the letter does have an address."

    I sighed again. "Did none of you listen to what he said?!"

    The phone beeped. And so did the bell. I quickly slid my phone into my pocket and ran for the very last class of this very odd day.

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