Chapter 4 (Travis Knight & The Storm)

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Mackenzie was panicking. Like crazy panicking. She was pacing the shack and poor Travis was trying to calm her down. Like I said, last night was the very first and the very last time I would have fun. But discovering we were locked in some psycho's shed is ridiculous. What could we have possibly done? We sat there in silence. I'm almost positive that we were all contemplating life. Out of nowhere, Travis' phone rings. He picks it up.

"Hello?" he hesitantly asks. "Are you the one locking us in here? Our parents WILL find us!"

The mysterious voice over the phone mumbled and Travis' eyes almost went directly to the door to the side room.

"Okay, sir." He says to the unknown caller. Travis sticks his phone in his pocket at stands up from his chair.

"Travis? What the hell was that?" I tried to ask him, but he almost seemed inanimate.

Mackenzie stopped pacing and grabbed Travis' arm and pulled him to her. He looked lifeless and as if he was being controlled. He yanked his arm away from her.

"Bro what the hell is going on?!" Brandon yelled, confusedly.

Rylie looked up at Travis and realized he had been hypnotized. "Guys, he's been hypnotized! We need him to snap out of it!"

"TRAVIS!" We all yelled in unison.

Travis rambled through the counter drawers and pulled out the only knife in there. I reached for him and tried to hold him back. But doing so, he swung the knife and sliced my arm. I fell backwards with my left hand pressing down on my right arm. Mackenzie went to stop him and hug him but he easily pushed her away. Travis entered the side room and slammed the door. Mackenzie and I ran to the door desperate to save him.

"You're too fat! Go kill yourself!" Travis said before we heard the knife slice through his skin and him yelp for pain. And yet the hardest part, was hearing his last breath.

I broke through the door and see my twin brother laying there, with a puddle of blood and the weapon in his hand. What could make him do this? Mackenzie rushed in and screamed at the sight of his body. The person behind this is truly insane. Truly. We pushed his body under the bed and cleaned up. After hiding his body we threw the key in the room and locked the door. Now Mackenzie, Brandon, Rylie, and I sit around the table and decide what to do.

"One of us died. We can't just stay in here and play victim." Mackenzie proclaimed.

"I know! But how else do you think this is supposed to play out? We can't get out of here. This is probably our fate anyways." Rylie said, maybe on a little too much drugs.

"Dude, I think we just party until we get killed one by one." Brandon said, while also on too many drugs.

They started to yell and argue and fight. But I had an idea. Maybe the best idea.

"WAIT! Did Travis ever mention anything about the person who did this to us?" I asked.

"No Dylan. No he did not. And why the hell is that important?" Mackenzie snapped back.

I rolled my eyes at Mackenzie. "I was thinking maybe he got too close to the truth and somehow the maniac knew and killed him before his plan was revealed."

They all laughed. "You're thinking too hard Dyly." Brandon replied.

"Listen, just trust me. He was called and 'hypnotized'. What if that was the person trying to get rid of the memory of the truth, making Travis wanna kill himself."

"No you listen Dyly, you just need some drugs."

"Oh so now you're just a spokesperson for Brandon? Great job Rylie."

We all continued to argue. It was getting very loud, especially considering how tiny the space was. All of sudden, it got quiet. We just sat around the table and stared into each other's eyes once again. Brandon and Rylie's eyes were extremely dilated. Eventually, we got up and parted throughout the shack. While doing so, Mackenzie heard something. Something quite loud.

"GUYS!" She yelled with her high pitched voice. "There's a highway nearby, I can hear it!"

"Aaaand?" Rylie dramatically said.

"With most highways, comes power lines! We've been able to receive messages and calls, but not return them. If we can find a way to do that, then we can get out!"

I laughed.

"Why are you laughing Dyly?"

"Because you're actually thinking."

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Shut the hell up."

Mackenzie constantly fiddled with her phone and getting in different spots to get the internet. She reset her phone and tried multiple techniques. But none of them worked. And every time I tried to help she rejected me, but I'm used to that. Brandon and Rylie took almost all of the drugs.

"Umm, guys we have a problem." Brandon began to say.

"What?!" Mackenzie and I said in unison.
"We're running low on drugs!"

Mackenzie and I sighed and went back to working on the internet. We tried even more techniques and none of them worked. But then we knew we were screwed when we heard something roll in. Thunder.

"AHHHH!" Rylie screamed. "What are these loud noises?!"

Mackenzie and I laughed at her high behavior. But deep down we were hiding the fact that we were nervous about the storm. The lightning struck nearby multiple times making the thunder excruciatingly loud. The vicious rain slamming down on the roof, making it difficult to hear. But then it got worse when we heard sirens. And not the cop sirens, the tornado sirens. We were locked in a wooden shack with a tin roof during a tornado. The winds whipped around the shack. It almost felt as if the wind was playing tug-a-war with the shacks foundation. We heard trees snapping and shaking the ground. A tree landed on the side room smashing everything in it.

"Don't open that door! Or you'll fly away!" I yelled.

Through all the winds, rains, and thunder I heard a phone ringing. "Don't answer the phone!"

Rylie picked up the phone and listened to what the voice said. She slowly got up and headed for the door.

"NO RYLIE!" I yelled. "Please don't open that damn door!"

Rylie had her hand on the door knob and was ready to open it when Mackenzie tackled her and held her to the ground. The winds calmed and the thunder stopped. All was calm again. I took a deep breath and exhaled. Nothing more stressful has ever happened to me. Rylie shook her head and looked at us.

"What happened guys?" she asked sounding incredibly innocent.

I looked at Mackenzie, Mackenzie looked at Brandon, and Brandon looked at me. "You tried to jump out into a tornado." Mackenzie finally explained.


Everyone took a break to calm down.

"Aww guys, we can get out now. The door, the room, isn't it gone?" Brandon asked.

I looked at Brandon. "Oh my god. You're amazing!" I ran to the door and went to open it but forgot we locked the room and disposed of the key.

"No no no!" I yelled while slamming the door. "We locked it."

"It's only an interior door, you should be able to break through it. Right?" Mackenzie asked.

"Yes, we should. But there's a massive tree right there." I replied.

"What you mean?" Brandon asked.

"Oh my god. THE ROOM WAS DESTROYED BY A TREE!" I yelled. "Which means, there's a tree there."

We all got discouraged and slouched back down to angry moods. The sun finally set and the sky darkened. Which now finishes off the second day and begins the second night...

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