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Rian and the rest of the resistance learned from Mother Aughra. That the way to defeat the Skeksis for good. Was to heal the Crystal Of Truth.

She explained that Crystal Of Truth had been shattered. That putting the Crystal Shard back into the Crystal Of Truth will heal it.

And the Skeksis will be finally defeated for good. Aughra told that she had the Crystal Shard. Except only two could take it to the Crystal castle and heal the Crystal Of truth.

Aughra told them that the two gelfling's that went. If they want a third person to go along with them. They could do that as well.

Rian and Deet choose to go and to take Hup with them. Aughra gave Rian the Crystal Shard.

Rian, Deet and Hup said their good byes to everyone. The rest of the resistance was going to stay with Mother Aughra.

They all wished them good luck and hoped to Thra they stay safe.

Rian and her father hugged each other while hoping to Thra that this won't be their last hug.

Rian, Deet and Hup departed from rest of the gelfling resistance. They started their journey to the Crystal Castle.

In order to heal the Crystal Of Truth and to defeat the Skeksis for good.

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