No good deed goes unpunished

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So just a heads up, if you haven't read Changes (Trafalgar and Athena's story), ya might want to go read the first chapter for an explanation for a part of this. You don't have to but it will help you understand both Ava's and Eris's situation better.

Crackers voice boomed through the square, yelling her name
Screams and chaos erupted behind Ava, residents rushing to get out of the biscuit soldiers way as he barreled after her.
She weaved and bobbed in and out of the people who where taking up the road way.
If she didn't think of something soon, Cracker would catch up before she could get to an area with enough space to let her wings form, his much longer legs eating up the distance between them.
She searched frantically for an open space as she ran down the main road, refusing to look back. It would only waist precious time she didn't have.
That sounded way to close for comfort. A shot of fear ran up her spine.
The crowed started to thin out three blocks away from the square.
Cracker screamed at her again, causing Ava to panic. He sounded like he was right behind her.
She took a hard left at the next road and felt something graze her back, sending a shiver up her spine.
Fear was turning to anger. Why was she going through this, what had she done to deserve any of what was happening. Why couldn't she have been put somewhere safe, why did she have to suffer.
  At first, even though she had been scared, she had been amused by Cracker and her interactions. It had been somewhat fun. She'd even started to look at him like a frienemy. Then he'd had to go and ruin it when he'd hurt her.
With no other option, she let her wings form.
Gasps came from all around her as people moved, the road way clearing enough for her to flap her long wings.
"AVA, DON'T YOU DARE." Cracker yelled.
Her feet left the ground and for just a second, she'd thought she had made it.
Long meaty fingers wrapped around her left wing, pulling a scream of pain from her as Cracker yanked on it, trying to pull her from the air.
Her right wing beat wildly, but gave out a few seconds later, and she fell.
She pulled her free wing around to cushion her and she landed on the stone road with a thud, the breath being nocked from her body.
Looking up, she found Cracker leaning over her, his armors face grinning at her in triumph as he ripped her scarf from her head.
She gasped when it tangled in her hair pulling it from the messy bun she'd had it in and tossed it.
"Fancy meeting you here!" He said gleefully, excitement shining in his eyes. "It's been what...nine months since our last encounter?"
Ava pushed herself up onto her knees, her lip curling in rage. "I could have gone longer without seeing your ugly mug, Cracker." She snarled, trying to tug her wing free of his grasp, wondering why the metal tips of the feathers weren't cutting through the biscuits fingers.
She sent the free wing forward, trying to cut the other free, but he grabbed it in his other hand, crushing the feathers.
  It was then she noticed the difference in his hands. They where almost black, looking like some sort of metal.
  He'd learned from past mistakes apparently.
He cackled. "Oh, that's hurtful Ava. And here I thought you would be as happy to see me as I am you!"
Her teeth ground together, rage feeling like a hot poker in her gut. "How did you know?"
The biscuits creepy smile widened. "That lovely scar you can't cover up and those pretty lavender eyes of yours."
"Nice to know so I can avoid it in the future." She yelled, disengaging her wings. They dissolved into thin air, and the pull that was keeping her in palace was gone.
A moment of satisfaction hit her when his eyes widened in shock, but she didn't bask in it.
Tucking and rolling, she dove between his wide set legs, coming up on her feet behind him and ran. She felt a breeze stir behind her, Crackers new arms having just missed her once again.
He came after her, an ungodly sound coming from him. Determination, zipped through her.
She refused to let him catch her.
She let her wings form again, and this time there was no waiting for people to get out of the way. She flapped her wings hard, lifting from the ground and she soared through the streets, yelling for people to move.
With every beat she felt herself getting higher and higher, until finally she was soaring over the roof tops.
Stopping just out of Crackers reach she looked down, right into the venomous eyes of the real man and not his suit. His face was morphed and twisted, eyes blazing up at her from where he stood on a home rooftop.
"I told you once, I refuse to be caged again. I meant every word." She said defiantly.
Onlookers gathered below her, watching her in shock. She knew it was because no one willingly brought the wrath of the Charlotte's down on them selfs. They listens and obeyed, living in terror of Big Mom and her children's retribution if they didn't.
"I will catch you Ava. One way or another, and when I do, I'll make your life a living nightmare." He spit at her. "I'll make your prison stay look like fucking paradise!"
Ava's face blanked, her voice going cold.
"And you wonder why I won't just go with you! You lash out in anger when you feel pain or don't get your way!"
"You don't do the same?" He sneered.
"No. I lash out in fear. Scared that I will be hurt when someone comes at me aggressively. Because from my experience, pain is the next thing on the list." She ran her fingers down the ragged scar going across her face. "And you've more then proven that YOU ARE willing to hurt me!"
Regret and surprise widened his eyes for just a moment, gone as fast as it came . "It wouldn't have come to this had you just come willingly you little brat!"
She shook her head sadly. "I want my freedom, I want to find my sister. I can't do that living as a prisoner with the expectations of marriage hanging over my head."
  "Who says it has to be a prison? If you just listen and do as you're told, you'll have the freedom to do anything you want!"
  "Here's the thing, I did exactly that when I was being held against my will. Do you know what that got me?" She asked sarcastically, not expecting an answer. "It got me beaten, starved and deprived of things no one should have to live without. It got me one day a month with my sister for a total of two hours. I wasn't allowed to leave my prison otherwise, besides when my tormentors decided I stunk to much and let me take a five minute shower with cold water. Listening and obeying got me nothing at all. So why, pray tell, should I believe that it will go any better for me here?" 
  He didn't answer her. Just watched her with with a strange look on his face. Something between agitation and pity.
"That's what I thought." She let her voice drip with distain. 
No longer wanting to be there, she turned, beating her wings hard sending her shooting through the air.
  That had been way to close.
She would have to be more observant when she stopped at islands from now on.
So something like this wouldn't happen again.

Twist of fateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora