Return of Artemis

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   In the six months since Eris's marriage, Ava had come to an understanding of something.
  The older Charlotte's DID NOT like her.
Daifuku and Oven had out right beat the ever living daylights out of her for a week after the wedding, under the guise of training. They had mellowed out some over the months, but they could still be pretty nasty.
Perospero, though not as bad as the first two, had made sure she understood he was not happy with her, same with Compote. Mondée, Amande, Hachée, and Effilée, they had given her more then a few new scars. Opera, Counter, Cadenza, Cabaletta, and Gala had pretty much done the same as Oven and Daifuku, just not on the same level of brutality.
Ava had taken everything with a smile on her face, just as she had promised Eris she would.
  Then there was Custard and Angel, Cracker's triplet sisters.
  They had been nice, in fact Ava really freaking liked them. Both where very sweet to her, even helping her in other areas of her life. They also bought her an entirely new wardrobe, though for some reason it seemed to match Crackers colors. She didn't really care, new clothes where new clothes.
Was it because she'd been helping Cracker periodically?
She didn't know.
During her free time if she wasn't with Dacquoise, she found herself on Cacao Island with Shinobu. 
  The older woman had actually gotten married last month and Ava had been her flower girl.
Her new husband was a bashful man and easy to fluster, but he truly loved Shinobu, so Ava had no complaints.
And if she wasn't with them, she was with Eris who now looked like she had swallowed not one, but two big watermelons whole. Turned out she was pregnant with triplets. It wasn't that big of a shock considering Katakuri's own family was filled with multiple births at a time.
  On another note, turned out that Eris had fallen in love with her big scary husband. So yay there, right?
  Eris seemed to always smile when Katakuri was around anymore. He doted on her, waiting on her hand and foot. When he wasn't around Eris looked miserable, and uncomfortable in her own skin. Not because Katakuri wasn't there, but because the babies liked to do gymnastics and use her bladder as a trampoline. It was amusing as hell to watch her stomach roll and bounce. Ava had formed a habit of holding Eris's tummy when she was with her, loving that she could feel them move and be active.
  Ava chuckled thankful that baby's where not in her near future.
  "What are you laughing at?" Oven thundered, landing a blow on Ava's right thigh. It collapsed under her, sending her to her knees as pain lanced through her leg.
Damnit she'd lost focus.
She didn't cry out, she refused to give that kind of satisfaction to the man. He'd been trying so hard to get any kind of sound out of her all morning, like he had when he had first started training her. But she learned that if she didn't give him what he wanted, he would eventually grow bored and call it a day.
So instead she tucked and rolled between his legs, coming up on her feet. She grit her teeth when she put pressure on her leg, pain zinging up and down her thigh from where he'd gotten her. Shifting she put more weight on her left leg and turned to face Oven.
A big meaty fist was already flying at her head.
Leaning back, she kicked her right foot up as his fist shot over her.
Ava almost squealed in delight when her foot connected with his family jewels, and watched his eyes widened in shock before the pain registered.
Using a little bit of a boost, she dropped on her back and rolled out from under him as he fell to his hands and knees with a yell.
She was up and on her feet, running, letting her wings form for a quick get away. Oven would try to make her pay ten fold for that, especially since she had managed to land the debilitating blow.
She celebrated internally for her little victory.
Ava had managed to hit him before but none of them had been effective.
Another yell sounded behind her and she took flight, sure Oven was up and after her.
Stopping she looked down, ready for the verbal sparring match she was getting ready to have with the angry man.
What she found almost had her falling from the air as she stopping flapping her wings for a moment.
Artemis was kicking a downed Oven, her booted foot slamming up into the man's face, causing him to fall onto his side.
  Her once long illustrious curly red hair was now cropped short, the strands sitting just below her jaw in a cute a-line cut. Her electric green eyes shone bright just like Ava remembered, her delicate porcelain skin smooth, contrasting with the black leather vest and pants she had on and the bright red bag that hung on her side. But something wasn't quite right. Artemis looked much older then her twenty eight years. Her six foot two frame looked much more tone, muscle replacing the hour glass curvy figure from Ava's memory.
"You dare attack a child you giant piece of trash."
Another kick and Ovens body started to glow.
Crap. If Artie kicked him again she was going to set her boot on fire.
Ava dropped into a nose dive screaming.
Artemis looked up at her, eyes wide, as she descended. "AVA!"
Distracted she didn't see Oven reaching for her, his face contorted into a snarl of rage, blood dripping from his nose.
Thankfully Ava smashes into Artemis, wrapping them both in her wings as they went sailing to the ground dozens of feet away from Oven.
  Lifting herself from Artemis, Ava looked back to find Oven up and stalking towards them. His big body was an ungodly bright shade of orange and red, his feet scorching the ground with every step he took. It was no longer just rage in those blazing eyes of his. Contempt and distain, now shone through too.
  Well shit!
  It was time to grab Artie and run.
  Scrambling to her feet, she gave the command to deaden the pain in her leg. Grabbing Artemis's wrist, Ava hauled her to her feet.
Not giving any time to ask questions, Ava ran, pulling Artemis with her.
They needed to get off Yakigashi Island now, before Oven hurt them both.
Puter is it possible for me to carry someone with my wings?
  Affirmative. For a short duration of time with a strength boost.
Can I make it to Komugi?
  Well shit ball!
How far can I get?
  six point eight miles
  That was far enough for her.
  "Keep running Artie, I'm gonna get myself air born and grab you!" Ava called back to the woman.
  God how Ava had missed that musical sounding voice of hers.
  She let go of Artemis and let her wings unfurl from her back. Flapping them as hard as she could, she caught the air. Turning back she grabbed Artemis by the waist and took off with Oven yelling obscenities at them.
Ava ignored him, to focused on getting high enough in the air to get over the hedges of the training area in front of the mansion.
Artemis didn't say a word as Ava flew and she was thankful for that. She didn't need the distraction.
She made her way over the town, people waving up at her as she went. These people had gotten used to seeing her coming and going. Now that they knew she was to become part of the Charlotte family, they treated her accordingly.
She dropped Artemis on her feet when they got to the port, landing not far from her. She let the wings disappear.
  Before Artemis could talk she walked away, stopping at one of the fruity cake like tarte ships that looked like it was getting ready to leave.
"You!" She pointed to the Pawn soldiers.
"Yes ma'am?" It turned to her, saluting.
"Where are you heading?"
"Jelly Island ma'am."
"Could you make a pit stop at Komugi?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Good. I need you to take me and my companion there!"
Ava turned back to look at Artemis. "Board the ship. We need to leave now, before Oven gets here."
Artemis gave her a small smile as they both headed up the ramp of the ship. "You've changed."
Ava barked a laugh. "You have no room to talk. How long have you been here?"
  Artemis shrugged. "Almost thirteen years."
  And Ava thought she'd been here awhile. "Holy shit!"
  Hustling soldiers made their way around the deck, pulling in the ramp while Ava and Artemis sat down.
  "So how did you find us?"
  "Us?" Artemis asked confused.
  "Ya, me and Eris."
  "Wait.... Eris is here too?" Artemis asked alarmed.
  "Ya, she fell just about six months ago." Ava was perplexed."
  "So when did you fall?"
  Ava cocked a brow. "Just over three years ago."
  "I didn't hear anything about that!" Artemis shouted.
  "Well it's not to much of a surprise." Ava shrugged. "The Charlotte's kept it under wraps and I wasn't talking to anyone."
  "Shit." Artemis whispered. "I thought It was you!"
  "Okay, so where is Eris!" Artemis screeched, her eyes widened in horror.
  "With her husband on Komugi island. Which is were we are heading."
  "What about her heat?"
  "Well about that!" Ava said a little guiltily.
  She explained what happened to the woman, not leaving anything out.
  Artemis looked like she wasn't happy. "I knew I wasn't gonna make it in time, but I didn't think this is what I would find." She sighed. "I have the suppressants she needs." She pulled a bottle of pills from her bag. "I made a years worth to give her."
  "She'll appreciate that." Ava laughed.
  "I hope so."
  "So where did you land?" Ava asked, changing the subject.
  Artemis laughed. "Fell in a place called Wano, it was a bitch to get out."
Ava sat back looking at the woman excitedly. She hadn't left Totto Land since she'd been here. This was a good chance to learn about the outside world. "So how did you?"
"A ship crash landed on one of the beach almost three years after I landed. When I heard, I made my way to where they where." Artemis sat forward, resting her arms on her knees. "Turned out to be the Whitebeard Pirates." The look In her eyes turned far away with fondness. "They agreed to get me out but I wasn't allowed to stay. Which was a good thing."
"Why?" Ava asked confused.
"I took a liking to one of the crew members." Artemis looked back at Ava with a sad smile on her face.
"So how is that a bad thing?" Ava asked tilting her head to the side.
"He was only seventeen, I was thirty. But he made it so hard to leave." Artemis chuckled. "Boy pursued me hard for the entire four months I was on the Moby. Kept giving me presents and singing for me." She shook her head. "But I couldn't do it, there's a thirteen year age gape between us, not to mention he is still just a child."
"Well not anymore." Ava laughed. "If my calculations are correct he's twenty seven now."
"And I'm forty." Artemis shook her head. "Still an age gap."
For some reason that made her think of Cracker. There was twelve years between them.
Ava hated herself for feeling attracted to the big jerk. After all he'd done, she should hate everything he was. But since that morning he'd asked to start over she had found her thoughts wondering, turning to things it shouldn't.
  She really hoped that it was just a faze.
  Ava shook her head. This was not the time to think about that.
  "Enough about me." Artemis said happily. "Tell me about you and how you got that scar."
  Ava sighed and started from the day she landed.
  She got as far as Eris falling when the ship started to turn, alarming her.
  She stood, snatching one of the soldiers by his helmet. "What's going on?"
  "The Minister of Browned Foods has given the command to turn around."
  "No, I need to get to Komugi." Ava growled at him.
  "I'm sorry, we can not disobey ma'am. We have to go back."
  Crap, crap, crap.
Puter how far is Komugi from here?
  Ten point three miles
Not what she wanted to hear but she could work with that. Ships could always be found to land on.
  She let her wings form and turned back to Artemis. "Strap in we are getting ready to fly."
  "What's going on?" Artemis asked concerned.
  "Oven has ordered that this vessel turn around." Ava shook her head. "Don't know why he's doing this now, it's been almost four hours since we left."
  Anger sparked in her green eyes. "This Oven guy. Who is he?"
  "He's one of the oldest Charlotte's. He's also got a temper and knows how to hold a grudge." Ava laughed darkly. "Now I'm gonna head up to the top of the ship, get ready to be hauled up when I get airborne."
"Got it." Artemis headed for the side of the ship. Ava turned and climbed to the top of the thing, or at least as far as she could go, which was the second story.
Standing on one of the blueberries, she spread her wings wide, and started to flap them as she jumped.
Circling the vessel a couple times, she made her way around and snatched Artemis up by the waist again and took flight.
Within three miles, Artemis started to grow heavy in her arms.
"Artie, I'm gonna need you to turn around and put your arms around my neck." She called out in a strained voice.
"I got you Baby Cakes."
Shifting, Artemis turned and wound her arms and legs around Ava, while Ava wound her arms around the woman's back.
  She still felt like she was to heavy but her arms no longer felt like they were going to fall off so that was a plus.
  Another mile and a Charlotte ship came into view. Surprisingly it also looked like it was going in the direction of Komugi.
  She squinted her eyes against the early afternoon sun, trying to figure out which child it belonged to.
  She didn't like what she found, the figure head telling her all she needed to know.
  What the hell was he doing this far from his own island.
  "So, um, Artie!" For some reason she whispered, a thrill shooting through her body.
  "Yes Ava?"
  Ava laughed softly. "I'mma need you to keep your hands to yourself when we land on this ship coming up. And don't say anything."
  Artemis leaned back to look at her a brow raising in amusement. "Why?"
  Ava felt her lips lifting in a smile. "You remember me telling you about Charlotte Cracker?"
  Artemis nodded.
  Ava bit her lip. "Well it's his personal ship."
  "So the bastard that gave you the scar?"
  "And why would I keep my hands to myself and stay quiet?"
  "Because he's a frienemy and a big ass baby when it comes to pain." Ava chuckled. "We still fight verbally and say nasty thing to one another but he won't hurt us. He'll act like he will, so don't come to my defense if it looks like he means harm, it's just a scare tactic."
  "Got it."
  As they got closer to the ship, Ava could just make out Crackers light purple hair and pink cape. He was standing on the side of this ship, leaned up against the railing, watching them approach. He didn't look happy about it either, his normally wide smile looking more vexed then anything.
  It wasn't a shock. Since Eris's wedding he'd been keeping his distance from her, while she'd done the same.
  She didn't know his reason, but for her it had been more to stop her growing infatuation. He'd changed the game on her to many times, being sweet and caring one minute, then being a but head the next. It was causing her walls to fall, causing her dislike of the man to wither.
  Slowly lowering them to the bow of the deck, Artemis unwound herself from around Ava and stood.
  Cracker made his way to them, a sneer on his face. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit."
  Ava's lip curled up in a half smile. It seemed he was back to his old behaviors. "Dose it matter?" She snickered.
He came to a stop in front of her, looking down, scowling at her. "It dose when I've got Oven calling, asking if I've seen you and a red headed woman in black leather." He glanced at Artemis. "Saying that she attacked him for no reason, and that you took off with her."
"Ah, poor baby can dish it out but can't handle when it's dished to him. Pussy." Ava laughed evilly.
Cracker growled. "And why did she attack him?"
"He was hurting Ava!" Artemis shrugged. "Bitch deserved what he got."
"He was training her!" Cracker snapped, ire in his voice.
"But to me it looked like he was enjoying hitting her just a little to much!" Artemis snapped back.
Stepping between the two, Ava pushed at Crackers stomach. "She didn't know it was me, Cracker, she just seen a child in the need of some help." She looked up, meeting his pink eyes. "Not that it's really any of your business."
"Why are you protecting her!" Cracker growled grabbing her by the hair, causing Ava's scalp to burn. "She attacked a Charlotte."
"Because she's a friend you piece of shit. This is Artemis, the one who helped me and Eris escape to this world." Ava said angrily, more at herself then him. She found she was enjoying the contact with him just a little to much.
Cracker let go of Ava, looking back at the woman. She didn't look like anything special, just some woman. He'd expected robotic arms or something when Ava had told them she was a cyborg. But the woman looked like any old regular person.
  Ava thumped at his stomach. "Stop grabbing me by the hair."
  "Stop giving me reasons to and I wouldn't." Cracker snidely shot back.
  "Dickless wonder!"
  "Says the brat in the training bra!"
  "Says the cunt bucket who cry's when he pricks his finger."
  Cracker rolled his eyes, flicking Ava on the forehead. "Nothing wrong with not liking pain."
  "There is when you hurt people because you stub your dam toe." Ava kicked his shin, laughing when he growled at her.
  "You get a warning this time Ava, next time I'll make you wish you hadn't."
  "See, your a pussy, just like Oven." She walked passed him, needing the bathroom. "You have such fun dishing out pain, but can't take it when you're the one on the receiving end."
  Cracker shot a foot out, tripping her. She fell to the ground, cursing.
  "Seriously." Artemis snapped at him, walking over to help Ava back to her feet. "You're a grown fucking man."
  Cracker cackled. "She started it."
  Once Ava was on her feet she walked over to Cracker and kicked him again, using her wings to propel her backwards when his hand shot out to grab her.
  "You deserves that for tripping me you cracked out dinocunt." Ava said irritated, rubbing her nose. Her bladder was screaming now, her trip to the ground making the need to pee worse.
He took a step towards her and she shot a wing up, the razor sharp end pointing right at his crotch.
His smile widened, a fire sparking in his eyes. "We gonna do this again child."
Exasperated, she waved him off. "I got to pee and your little stunt didn't help Jackass."
She dropped her wing and turned to Artemis, an expectant look in her eyes.
"I gotta go too, so I'll follow you." Artemis laughed.
  Looking back at Cracker she frowned. "We're are you heading? I forgot to ask."
  "Komugi, gotta pick up some stuff from there." Cracker smirked. "Running to big sister to scare off Oven!"
  Ava choked on her laughter. "Fuck no, I'm taking Artemis to Eris."
  Turning from him she nodded to Artemis to follow, calling back to Cracker. "I'm using your room dipshit."
"Don't make a mess idiot."
"No promises. Might decide your room needs a new look." Ava laughed.
She made her way through the ship and into Crackers large bathroom.
"So..." Artemis said seriously while Ava sat on the toilet. "That's Cracker."
Ava nodded. "Yup. Big ass baby Cracker."
"Can he fight?"
Her brow rose in question.
Artemis hands came up and she shrugged, laughing. "What. It's a legitimate question."
Ava finished her business and pulled her pants up. "He's not a chump if that's what you want to know. But he dose like to hide inside his biscuit soldiers so he doesn't get hurt."
"His what?"
"Biscuit soldiers, he makes them with his Devil Fruit."
"The fuck!"
"You think that's weird wait till you see Katakuri's ability. He ate the mochi fruit."
"Who's Katakuri?"
"Eris's husband. I told you that didn't I?." Ava replied washing her hands.
Artemis shrugged, eye brows going up, lips going into a pout. "Man, I can't remember half the names you've given me. How many Charlotte's are there."
Ava felt a laugh bubbling up. "I have no idea anymore. To many to count and Big Mom is still popping them out." She shook her head. "I couldn't imagine have so many children."
"Me either." Walking out of the bathroom they sat in the chairs a few feet from the bed.
As time passed they continued to talk, catching up.
Ava was glad for the change of pace, and thrilled that Artemis had finally found them. Ava had begun to wonder where the woman was or if she'd even fallen yet.
Funny how that worked. All three of them had been spit out in different times, Artemis in a completely different part of the world.
But why?
That was a question that would probably never be answered.

Cracker watched the three woman, well two woman and a girl, he reminded himself, talk and laugh in the foyer of the Komugi mansion.
Eris had dam near lost her shit when she'd set eyes on the red head, flying down the stairs at break neck speed, scaring the hell out of all of them, to embrace the other woman.
  "We are both fucked." Katakuri grumbled beside him.
  Cracker looked at him from the corner of his eye, frowning. "What do you mean?"
  "I can't keep my eyes off Eris, you can't seem to look away from Ava. We are both fucked."
  Cracker looked back at the three girls. "Maybe I'm looking at the redhead!"
  Katakuri shook his head. "I'm not blind Cracker. Every time Ava's around you, your eyes follow her, you probably don't even realize you're doing it."
  Cracker had to consciously stop his body from tensing up at Katakuri's remark. "I'm just trying to make sure she stays out of trouble."
  Katakuri clucked his tongue. "Keep telling yourself that. But we both know the truth."
  "She's a child Katakuri." Cracker snap whispered.
  Crackers brows furrowed at Katakuri's nonchalantness. "What I'm feeling is wrong."
  "She's not going to be a child forever Cracker." Katakuri said gruffly. "In five years she's to marry one of our brothers. Maybe you should do something to tilt the chances of it being you instead of, let's say, Dacquoise."
  Cracker wouldn't even pretend like that thought didn't piss him off, it filled him with an unbridled rage. It made him want to hunt his little brother down and warn him away from the girl, scare him shitless.
  "Why are you telling me this?"
  "Because, as much as you two fight and yell at each other, you work well together.
  "How... tell me how we work well together?" Cracker scowled up at his older brother. "Because as far as I can tell we've never done a single thing that would suggest we would be a good pair!"
Katakuri gave him a knowing look. "Who helped you with the bug problem?"
"Who's helped you with the paperwork and accounting stuff the last few months?"
"Ava did, only because she knew I didn't want to seek help from you or Peros. Girl is a wiz as math, who knew. But we argued the entire time."
"Doesn't matter! She was still there."
Cracker thought about it for a moment and realized, Katakuri was right.
Even though they fought and bickered, Ava was the one who helped him.
But it didn't change one big problem!
"Ava wouldn't go for it!" Cracker said matter-of-factly, shaking his head.
"Just think about it Cracker! Because we both know you won't be able to accept her with anybody else."
Katakuri looked back at Eris, while his strayed back to Ava.
  He didn't like it but Katakuri was right, AGAIN.
  He'd fought against it, denied it so many times, raged at himself that it was wrong, hating himself the entire time.
  But it didn't change one simple fact.
  Sometime in the last three in a half years, Cracker had claimed Ava as his.
  It wasn't like he'd done it on purpose, more like he was drawn to her against his will. It had started off small, just a sense really, a need to see her, even if it was just a glimpse. Slowly it had grown, pulled him in and made him feel high, euphoric if you would, when she smiled and laughed, verbally fought and called him names. He'd admit it was almost like an addiction at this point.
  Maybe it WAS time to step up and finally take something for himself, something that would be wholly his.
  He wouldn't be able to claim her for awhile yet, but he could be a patient man, watch her blossom into a woman.
  All he had to do now was get Mama to agree.
  And he knew just how to do it.
  Cracker smiled in anticipation as he watched Ava talk with the two woman, her smile like a calming balm to his soul.
  A weight slowly began to lift from him, excitement, and a not so unfamiliar feeling, coursing through his heart and veins.
  Katakuri patted him on the shoulder. "Now there is the Cracker I know."
  Oh he didn't even know the half of it. The old Cracker was back and more determined then ever to get what he wanted.
  And he would get it, come hell or high water!

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