Wedding bells

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  "I won't let that happen without Eris's consent." Ava yelled in displeasure, refusing to sit with the despicable people that where in front of her.
  Perospero cackled at her, his eyes bright as he sat back in his chair at the dinning room table, most of the older Charlotte's sitting with him, minus Katakuri, he wouldn't leave Eris's side, and Cracker.
Perospero had been the one to show up when Dacquoise had called.
Him and his dark trench coat and tall hat, stupid tongue lulling out, pasty pail skin looking like he hadn't ever seen the sun.
  After Eris's heat had finally broke, she and Ava had been transported to the Whole Cake château. Eris hadn't been able to fight back, to drained of energy after three days of almost constant, cough cough, activity. The Charlotte's had kept them separated the entire time, not wanting them to run off. Not like that was possible at the moment with Eris still recovering.
  "Neither of you have a say in this matter child. Mama has made up her mind, she wants you both."
  Peros took a sip of his tea calmly, the twinkle in his eyes telling her he found this all amusing.
  Which just made Ava all the more angry.
  Her fists clenched by her sides, eyes screwing shut as she growled.
  "Didn't anyone ever tell you, you can't always get what you want? We are not property or possessions, we are people who have a right to choose!"
  Peros waved a hand at her. "If Mama wants it, she gets it. And she wants your Eris for Katakuri, they'll make lots of strong beautiful children."
  "So she's just a glorified fertile womb? What the hell is wrong with all of you!"
  Ava had never been more tempted, then she was at the moment, to bring real harm to a living person.
  "I knew I shouldn't have told y'all anything. My bad for thinking you guys had hearts or even a little bit of respect for us." She snapped.
  "Shut your mouth girl." Oven snapped back. "If you would have just joined us when you had the choice...
Another person she hated. Oven treated her like garbage, so did Daifuku.
Both looked like idiots.
Ovens hair was orange, gelled up ending in three different points the top looking like an axe the ones on the sides curling slightly. He wore bright orange pants that where way to tight, and a cape around his neck in the same color.
Daifuku, well he was dressed in blue and white mid evil style clothes, looking like some prince reject. He had a clean shaven baby face to match it
  "I was getting ready to, until you pulled this bullshit." She spit, enraged. "Eris has a right to choose if she wants Katakuri or not. You can't just push them together and hope that it will work!"
  Oven's face started to turn bright red, telling her he was losing control of his emotions.
  "We don't get to choose, we do as Mama commands." Peros chimed happily. "Within the next week, your sister WILL be married to Katakuri."
  Ava turned to find Eris being carried into the dinning hall by Katakuri.
  If it wasn't for the dire circumstances Ava would have laughed.
  Eris, even at over eight feet tall, looked like a doll in Katakuri's arms, especially with the flowing pink and black dress she wore.
  "It's okay, don't worry about me." Eris said softly as Katakuri placed her down into a seat, sitting next to her.
  But that's not what her eyes where saying, she wanted out of this place just as bad as Ava did.
  "See, even your sister is okay with this."
  She really, really wanted to punch Peros right now.
  She turned back to glare at the table. "We sti..."
  "Mama, Mama. What is all this ruckus about."
  Ava's lips clamped shut at the sound of Charlotte Linlin's voice. If there was one person she didn't want to piss off when they where near, it was the matriarch of the Charlotte's.
  She'd seen what the woman could do, knew that if she slipped up the woman could steal her life span. Depending on the woman's mood, it could be pleasant or painful.
  Peros and most of the people present gave her a victorious look.
  They had won.
  For now.
  "We where just talking about the upcoming wedding!" Peros laughed.
  God, could she rip out his voice box, his laugh drove her nuts.
  Mama took her seat at the head of the table laughing gleefully, clapping her hands together. "Oh, it shall be such a beautiful thing. I'm looking forward to the wedding cake!"
The large woman started to stuff her face with the sugary sweet confections in front of her.
  "But don't w.."
  A hand slipped over her mouth, shutting her up. They pulled her back into them, forcing her to stand still.
  "That it will be Mama!" Cracker smiled, his fingers digging into her jaw when Ava tried to protest.
  "Which reminds me." Daifuku said, giving her a demented smile. "What shall we do about the child?"
  These people really didn't like her, she'd been a thorn in their sides for to long, always managing to stay just out of reach.
  Now she was there, in front of them, and she couldn't run, not without Eris, they where going to get their pound of flesh. Even though she had done nothing wrong.
Cracker let go of her mouth but placed his hand on her shoulder in warning.
Big Mom stopped, dropping the food to look at Ava, big light brown eyes scrutinizing her from head to toe.
Ava felt a shiver of apprehension slide down her spine. This was the second time she'd been in the woman's actual presence, the first having been when she'd showed them all what she could do, leaving out the worst of the weapons.
Big Mom wiped her hands on a napkin and steepled them together, resting her chin on them. "I've given this some thought over the last few days." Her smile widened as she watched both Ava and Cracker.
Ava watched from her peripheral vision as the oldest of the siblings smirked at her. They where enjoying her discomfort of being under their mother's watchful eye.
  "She needs to be trained If she is to join us." Her eyes roved over everyone present, a gleeful excitement going around the table. "You shall be her teachers."
  No one protested, more then likely loving the thought of being able to take a crack at her, to put her in her "place".
  "What about her groom to be?" Ovens voice dripped saccharinely.
Eris tried to protest her voice mixing with Ava's as she did the same. "She's to young to be thinking about marriage!"
Ava flinched. "I still have six years before that's going to happen. There is no rush." She felt a little desperate, not wanting anyone to be named.
  Crackers hand tightened on her shoulder, fingers digging into flesh. "Don't speak." He whispered harshly down at her.
She watched Katakuri shake his head at her sister, whispering something into her ear also. Eris's face tightened into disgust.
  "Mama, Mama. I'll make a deal with you girl." Linlin said happily.
Ava finally met the woman's eyes, both hopeful and scared of what the woman would say next. Without thought she reached up to grab Cracker's hand, needing some form of support. Thankfully he squeezed her fingers, letter her know he was with her.
"If you do as you're commanded, work hard at the tasks given to you. I'll wait to make my decision until your sixteenth birthday."
The look in the woman's eyes told Ava she wouldn't get a better deal, that if she tried to protest, Linlin would make her regret it.
Ava nodded her head grimly. "What about Eris?" Cracker once again tightened his grip on her, crushing her fingers, wanting her to shut up. She slipped her hand out of his grasp.
Linlin's eyes narrowed on her, Katakuri's doing the same.
To think, She'd been getting along with the big man just a week ago. Now he was giving her a death glare.
Was it because he'd become addicted to her sisters pheromones? Or because she had questioned his mother?
"What about her?" Linlin asked, the underlying threatening tone not going unnoticed.
"Should she not get the same kind of offer? She's only nineteen, still just a child in the eyes of most. She should at least be given the chance to grow accustomed to her new surroundings, and the man she is to marry!" Ava was grasping at straws, trying to give her sister time to find a way to escape.
Linlin's hands hit the table with a jarring force, rattling the dishes.
"Are you trying to stop me from eating wedding cake?" She screamed angrily.
Ava shook her head vehemently, her hands waving back and forth in front of her, sweat beading on her forehead, her body shaking in fear. The woman was scaring her more then Akainu ever had. "No, no. I'm just asking that she be given time to adjust."
Eris tried to stand and defend her, but Katakuri wrapped her in his Mochi Devil Fruit, forcing her to stay quiet and seated.
Ava wanted to help her sister, but she had to help herself first.
"The wedding will go on as planned child, speak of it again and I will take ten years of your life span!" Linlin growled at her.
"I'm sorry." Ava said looking down at the floor, feeling small and worthless. If she couldn't save her sister how the hell was she going to save herself.
"Moreover you and Eris will not be permitted to see each other until the wedding." Linlin snarled. "I'll not give you a chance to run and take away my cake."
Did this woman not realize that she was messing with not one but two lives, all because of food?
Ava looked up, fully prepared to protest, but Crackers fingers dug into her shoulder to the point of pain. Her teeth ground together, a cry lodging in her throat.
"She understands Mama." Cracker answered for her, the happy note in his voice sounding forced.
Linlin went back to smiling happily, returning to stuffing her face with the confections.
She wanted to fight back, wanted to pull her and her sister from this hell. But even if Eris was at full strength, there was no way they would make it out, not with so many Devil Fruit users in one room.
It looked like weather she liked it or not, they where stuck in this situation.
She glared up at Cracker who refused to look at her as he ushered her to the table to sit.
She hoped they all choked.

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