haha fnaf among us au go brrr

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this time, it's a Among Us crossover AU :0

Ye- I've been playing Among Us lately teehee-




In this AU, they're all humans. The Impostor is some sort of demon- or shapeshifting alien- whatever you prefer, but I honestly go with demon- I duNno- but alien fits more since they're in space- oh wELL-

Here are the characters that are currently in the AU:

Molten - the Brown astronaut
Lefty - the Black astronaut
Scrap Baby - the Red astronaut
Happy Frog - the Lime/Light Green astronaut
Funtime Freddy - the Purple astronaut
Funtime Foxy - the Pink astronaut
Ballora - the Blue astronaut
Circus Baby - the Orange astronaut
Ennard - the Cyan/Light Blue astronaut
Puppet - the White astronaut


There's two Impostors among us


"So- What's your tasks, Lefty?" Scrap Baby asks, "Card swipe, MedBay Scan, Clean 02 Filter, Divert Power, Empty Chute, and Fix Wiring." Lefty replies. "Woah. I have MedBay Scan too somewhere in my tasks." Scrap Baby says as she looks at her list of tasks. "The Impostor's only weakness! The MedBay Scan!" Lefty exclaims, "Yes!" Scrap Baby exclaims with him.

"You two!" Funtime Freddy calls them out, "Get back doing your tasks." "Yes, sir!" The two replies and hurried.


Lefty already finished half of his tasks. He already scanned, so he was clear. Now all he had to do is fix the wiring.

He walks into the Electrical room and found a dead body. It was Ennard's body.

And of course, he reported it.




Is what they all asked.

"I f-found Ennard's d-dead body in Electrical-" Lefty stutters.

"Fuck!- First Mari, now Ennard??" Ballora gently slams her hands onto the table. "Ight. Who is the Imposter?" Funtime Foxy asked, "I bet it's Beth." "I just scanned in MedBay! Ask Lefty! He was there with me in MedBay!" Scrap Baby protested. They turn their head to Lefty. "Y-Yes! She's clear-" Lefty says. "Honestly, Lefty looks too innocent to be the Imposter. Yet, too innocent that he miGht be the Imposter." Circus Baby crosses her arms. "He also just scanned. So he's clear, sis." Scrap Baby defended. Circus Baby pouts, "Fine. You two are clear. For now."

"Okay. If no one knows, just skip the vote." Molten says. They all nodded and skipped.


The doors in the Storage room has been sabotaged and was shut closed. The only one in there was Circus Baby. At least, that's what she was hoping for.

Suddenly she was stabbed in the back multiple times, killing her in the process. The last thing she heard was, "I'm sorry, Elisa." in a quite a deep voice, before falling limp onto the floor.


Scrap Baby walks past Funtime Freddy on her way to storage. She turns back and watch him walk inside Electrical. She shrugs and thoughts that he just finished a task in storage. She continues her way to storage.

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