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Your name (Y/N)

Name: (Y/N)  Kriya

Magic: Earth Dragon Slayer, Unknown?



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In the 300th Century, In the Kingdom Of Dragnof There was a Village on the outskirts, Here is where you'll find a young boy by the name of (Y/N), His mother Himari was the Chief Of the Village, and his father was away a lot because he was a knight in the army that serves the queen of Dragnof Irene Belserion, At the time There was a war going on, Between the Dragons that had wished for coexistence with the humans and the Dragons who wanted power, Chaos and destruction, The Village itself Had never encountered any trouble thus far, However, these peaceful times were Soon coming to an end

Akio: Thanks very Much (Y/N), It would've taken even longer to carry all this Firewood

(Y/N): It's No Problem at all but I got to get going Mr Akio Arthur own me a rematch

Mr Akio starts to laugh

(Y/N) Being the son of the chief was well known around the Village, He enjoyed being a help to the other people who looked like they needed it, After (Y/N) had put down his share of wood he started to run off, Then there was a large shadow cast on the ground, (Y/N) stops as him and Mr Akio both looked to the sky to see large creatures soaring over the sky above

Akio: Hmm, That's strange, Dragons Don't usually fly out this far

Multiple Dragons Were then Seen Flying Over and soon After a bunch Of men on horseback and  full suits of amour show up

Akio: What are knights from the Dragonof army doing here this isn't their usual training path


The knight looked over at (Y/N) and Akio and tells then to follow the knight leading the evacuation  to the kingdom walls (Y/N) looks at the knight and ask

(Y/N): What about the other villagers

Knight 1: they being helped as well but for your own good you need to get going now

Akio:(Y/N) listen to the knight let's go

(Y/N): You can go I need to find Mother and Luna and make sure they're okay

As (Y/N) runs towards the east side of the village Mr Akio tries to stop him but is stopped but a knight who said you need to get to safety then a second knight rides in

Knight 2: Sir the dragon has started to attack the east and west sides of the village

Knight 1: Dammit they're already here fine go help the rest of the knights evacuate people for the village am going to get the royal knights they're the only ones strong enough to handle these dragons

Earth dragon slayer  (Fairytail x OC fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now