-:- Chapter 1-:-

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           -:- Bendy's Pov-:-

       A monster. That's what I am. It's what I'll always be. Nothing but a worthless waste of ink. Condemned to wander this cursed studio for all eternity. Cursed to die, only for it to start again. Looping, over and over, with no end in sight. Let's face it. I'm stuck here. There is no 'happy ending' for me. No perfect story. 'Dreams Come True'  they said. Well guess what. They don't. They never do for anyone down here.

            -:- ???-:-

        There have been suspicious reports in Ř̷̨̖̱̬̖̖̩͑̏̆̐̇͆͐͂̍͘͘̕͝é̷̛͈͙̦͙̩̰̬̂̽̒̅͗̅̏̓́̃̎͝ͅd̶̨̧͇̱̯̲̬̳̞͚̞́͌̓͛̊̆̓̄̚͠ā̷̳̺̮̦͆̅͐̐̑̂̈̔͆̚̚͝ç̷̨̜̹̰̙̬̂͑̉̚t̵̳̺̠̺̐͑͂̒ẽ̶̞͚̀̓͛̀̋̆̈́͌̉̀̔͘͝d̸̿̎̑̌͆̌͋̍͐̂͠ͅ. The civilians say there has been sightings of a 'demon' within an abandoned animation studio on the outskirts of the town. Multiple officers have disappeared into the building, with no traces leading to the disappearances. Reports of the 'demon' have been very vague, and personnel have been dispatched to the site. Personnel will arrive shortly.

             -:- Bendy's Pov-:-

         The door creaked open. Must be more humans. They have to go, they shouldn't have to suffer here with us. Its my fault, not theirs. I have to move quickly too, before the ink claims them. Then there is no escape, and they will be forever trapped in this hellhole. I snuck closer. These humans are odd. They look more prepared, and are heavily armed. I crept closer, slinking through the walls. Sammy like using these tunnels too. Hopefully, I wouldn't run into him. He would blow our cover. These people know what their doing. The question is why are they even here? They moved in a pattern. One man forward, two flank, three behind. Six men in total. Six souls left to rot. I can feel the ink surging forward. It wants them for its collection. I can't let more souls suffer here. Its my fault everybody is already here. The ink has already claimed enough innocents. I made my move, appearing in front of the men by exiting a hole in the wall. They reacted instantly, raising their weapons, and yelling. "HANDS UP" The lead man shouted. Wait, what? They come into my hell-home, and tell me to put my hands up? Uh- no. Not happening. Scowling, I lunged forward, wrapping my clawed hand around the lead man's neck. I raised him up, my tail swaying behind me. The other men reacted quickly, shooting their weapons at me. Guns? I thought they didn't work down here. Oh well, their not that effective anyway, just hurt a lot. The weapons fired. Instead of what I'd expected, which was sharp lead pellets that would sting, feathered darts came out, with vials attached. I dropped the man, and slid to the side, avoiding the darts. The lead man gasped and gagged, but I ignored him for now. What did the feathered darts do?  Are they just fancy versions of regular bullets? Or are the vials meant to to something? I darted to the left, avoiding the next volley of darts and targeting the man on the left. I stretched out my claws, slicing his throat open as blood gushed out. The man was dead within minutes, and the man on the right screamed for backup on a small device. The next round of darts flew over my head, but I wasn't as lucky this time. One of the darts landed in my shoulder, and stuck there. I hissed, the sting sensation slapping me in the face. Oh, OH- OW, WHAT THE HELL?! I quickly ripped the dart out, grimly noticing that the vial was empty. This can't be good. I snarled, rushing the three men in the back. They all screamed, shooting their guns at me one last time before scattering. I stuck to the left side, attacking the fleeing man. I clawed at his head, shattering his skull. I quickly focused on the middle man, but instead having a dart shot at my face. I fell backwards, the projectile zooming over my head and getting stuck in the wall behind me. I jumped to my feet, my tail lashing angrily. The remaining men were retreating, throwing darts behind them. Not on my watch. I bolted after them cutting two men in the back down. My tail stabbed downwards, impaling one of the men through the neck. Hey thanks tail, you've finally became useful. The door slammed open again, and I heard the shuffling of feet. Not giving up my chase just yet, I turned to the last man, grinning maliciously. He trembled, and my foot slammed down on his neck, breaking it with a loud 'snap' noise. I whipped my head around at a high pitched whistling sound. Three darts imbedded themselves into my unstable skin, and a burning pain following soon after. A pained snarl painted itself onto my face. Growling and looking up, I noticed at least twenty more people in front of the doorway. Oh come on. I can never get a break, can I? I groaned internally. The men rushed me, shooting at me with their stinging darts. Leaping into action, I bolted to meet them, swiping at their heads. The next few minutes were a blur of action, with most of the men winding up dead. When there were two men left, I was suddenly smacked with an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. Stopping in my tracks, I swayed for a minute, before crashing to the floor. The last thing I remembered was the men approaching, before the black hazed over my vision.

           Subject was retrieved successfully. Twenty-six personnel were lost in the effort. The building has sealed itself off, with no means of entry or exit. The bodies were not retrieved. Sedatives showed a delayed effect on the subject, now deemed Scp-6660. Subject was transferred to site- ΞὮιϜ. Incident was covered up by field agents. Subject appears as a tall, humanoid creature, dripping a thick black substance from its structure. The liquid is not corrosive. The creature smells profoundly of ink, and has no sign of any color besides shades of black present anywhere on it. The top half of its face is covered in the black substance, and it is unknown if it has any facial features besides its mouth. It appears malnourished, with most of its structure showing. Creature appears to be somewhat melting, but shows no sign of damage. Its main color is black, with the exception of its face and bowtie, which are white. There is a grey band on its tail. The tail is about 5 feet long. Scp-6660 is about 7'8 in height. Further testing is required. Subject is placed in Euclid class.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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