Chapter 24

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(Brittany's POV)

1 week later

I stayed snuggled up on the couch with Rowen on my chest. It was a rainy day and you know what that means. Cuddle weather!

Quinn let me spend the day with Row since I hadn't really got to see her much lately and her and puck were going out to run errands today. It was only Row and I in the living room. Santana had went to go pick up lunch, which left me and the 3 month old by ourselves.

The room wasn't too hot or too cold. The outside weather made everything so nice. Mickey Mouse stayed playing on the TV for Row, but she wasn't really paying attention to it. With work and making plans for thanksgiving, I never really had much time to just relax. Of course me and Santana had our time after work, but that would always turn into something a little more active. The little blonde was sleeping soundly against my chest. I'm guessing she was comfortable because you could hear the faintest of snores coming from her tiny nose. She gets that from Quinn. All the peacefulness floating around in the air allowed me to drift off into a blissful slumber.


My eyes fluttered open when I felt the smallest of pecks being placed from my forehead to the tip of my nose. Once I could actually focus on what was in front of me, I was met with a set of chocolate orbs that belonged to my beautiful girlfriend.

"Morning sunshine." The brunette spoke in a low but sweet voice. Her cheeks were bunched in the cutest grin as she stared back at me. I wanted to just cup her face and kiss her because of how adorable she was! As I went to do so, I felt a tingle in my right arm. I peered down to see the 3 month old still swaddled in her pastel green baby blanket, sound asleep. I giggled at how much one little baby could sleep. Santana sat on the couch, lifting my legs so they were resting on top of her thighs.

"Do you want me to take her?" The Latina gestured to the sleeping baby.

"Yeah, she's cute and all but man is she chunky." I giggled as I sat up a bit so Santana could gently take Row in her arms.

"I think it's the cheeks. Do you see how chubby they are?" The brunette teased back. I let out a breathy chuckle before sitting up all the way. I stretched my arms out above my head to try and regain some feeling back in my right arm.

I looked over at Santana who's leg was bouncing up and down. That was one of her many nervous habits, and I noticed she only does that when she needs to tell me something.

I sit back down and moved a peace of dark hair out from in front of the Latinas face and tucked it behind her ear.

"What is it?" I asked knowingly. Her eyes darted away from mine like she didn't expect me to know when something was up.

"Please, we've been together 5 months now. You really think I don't know when you need to tell me something?" I smiled coyly. Her brown eyes met mine and she gave a tight lipped smile.

"What is it baby?" I questioned further.

"I called my brother."

I raised my eyebrows at her words. "About what? How did it go?" I asked quickly. I know how scared she's been about talking to her brother. She was supposed to call him about coming down for thanksgiving so I was guessing that's what she talked to him about.

"It was fine." I looked at her expectantly.

"And? Did you ask him?" I asked as her eyes darted from the floor to my eyes.

"I-I was going to, but I got nervous." She sighed defeatedly. I cocked my brow and gave her a small smile.

"Baby what do you have to be nervous about? He's just your brother." I chuckled lightly. But she didn't chuckle back. Just kept playing with the stings of her ripped jeans.

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