2v8 Match

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It was a rather quiet day at the manor even though the manor is hosting an event today. The postman has liked the gravekeeper for a while now but Andrew hasn't noticed the boys feeling towards him.
Victor POV

Today is the day I confess to Andrew! I'm going to ask him to join me to a match and after the match I'm going to ask him for dinner since there's a event so it will seem normal than I'll confess to him! So now I just need to knock on his door and execute my plan!

"Hello, who is it?" A man with brown hair popped out the door with a half eaten pocky stick in his mouth, it was Luca
"Uhm, Victor do you need something?"
"Wait Luca? I'm so sorry I thought this was Andrews room!"
"Oh no it's fine! What did you need from Andrew?" Luca said with his famous smirk showing off his canine tooth
"I just wanted to ask him to join me in a match"
I felt my cheeks heat up, they mostly heat up when I'm talking about Andrew but that wasn't  the only reason this time, I was really embarrassed for knocking on the wrong door so my cheeks were heating up even more than usual.
"Oh cool, well I might come and spectate you guys later if he says yes, cya"
"Ok see ya!"

I started speed walking down the hall to Andrews room but I saw Andrew standing in the hallway walking towards me while waving at me.
I waved back at him.
"Hey Victor! how are you?" The Gravekeeper said
"Hello, I'm doing good! Do you wanna join me in a match?"
"Sure but let's do it after we eat lunch so we can enjoy the sun while it's out"
"Let's go outside then! Emma planted new flowers so the garden looks more lively than before!"
I can't believe he said yes!
Andrew's POV
I didn't really like going out in the sun and prefer the night but I agreed to go out this time because Victor had a big smile on his face and I didn't want to ruin his mood. We walked to the garden as Victor was rambling on and on about how Norton tried to feed Wick chocolate not knowing that dogs shouldn't eat chocolate, honestly i didn't know that either.
We finally made it to the garden, I agree with Victor the garden looks more lively now with all the new flowers. Emma was still planting all kinds of flowers while Victor started to scribble on his notepad and showed it to Emma, I peeped over to see what he said.
"Do you want me to help you plant flowers?"
"Sure I could really use the help!" The little Gardener said happily
I don't like the sun. victor you know this. But why do I still listen to you?
We're just friends so why do I listen to you so often? My heart.. why is it beating? I looked around to see if there's a hunter near me but there wasn't any hunters near by.
It feels weird.
Why is this happening now?
Why is-
"A..Andrew are you ok? You aren't talking, do you wanna go inside?"
"No it's ok... wait...IM NOT TALKING?? SINCE WHEN DO YOU TALK???"
"I..uh...I feel comfortable enough to talk with my voice around you, unless you want me to continue writing instead!"
"No, no its okay.."
My heart is pounding again, Emma left and I'm only with Victor so..is he the cause for this feeling? I have felt this feelings many times before around him but why is it so strong now?
" we can go inside now it's almost lunch, we can play chess while we wait!"
God his voice is so cute-
NO he's a boy and I'm a boy that's weird and that's wrong...its against everything I've been taught. But is it wrong?
"Andrew are you coming?"
"Yeah, start walking I need to do something really quick"
"Okay!" The little postman skipped away happily on his way back inside with Wick following behind him.
Once he was out of sight
I got on my knees and started praying
I was taught that liking the same gender was wrong, I was just some low life gravekeeper I'm going to hell anyways it doesn't matter. Yes of course it still matters i'm not aloud to like the same gender.
I got up and cleaned my knees and headed inside.
I saw victor setting up the Chess board with Wick sitting on his lap.
"Hey Andrew come sit I finished setting it up!"
Andrew and victor played chess while eating sandwiches, Andrew ending up loosing and Victor felt bad after.
Victor picked up his bag, got up and started walking to where the match for 2v8 was getting ready. Victor sat down at the the table.
only Martha And Vera were talking; they were talking about perfume and how you can put the perfume in the flare gun instead and everyone in range would smell good but would sneeze a lot.
Victor POV
Andrew walked in about 5 minutes after me, he sat beside me and petted wick before Wick ran off to go to the map.
"Hey Andrew w..would you like to uhm join me for din"- 
"HEYYY EVERYBODYY" Naib yelled as Eli and Aesop walked in behind him.
"Oh hey Aesop, here come sit" Andrew told the embalmer
Even tough Aesop is very antisocial Andrew and Aesop talked for a while. More people came in and when there were no more seats left everything went black
Victor woke up to the noise of shattering glass. The map was lakeside village, He immediately sent a letter to Helena in BRAILLE to help her decode faster than she already is.
He started to decode after he sent the letter.

His feelings towards me {Identityv PostmanxGravekeeper/ AndrewxVictor}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن