Part 7

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Third person pov

As he walked away, she could feel tears submerging from her eyes. She couldn't think straight knowing she just ruined the very thing that made her happy, her and Chris's relationship, being around him, it made her really happy.

She shakily pulled out her phone to call her best friend so she could drive her come.

"N-Noora." She said in between sobs

"Eva are you alright?"

"Can you please just drive me home? I'm outside." She immediately hung up, and she saw her best friend running outside.

"What happened?" Her best friend asked concerned, Eva shook her head not wanting to talk about the fact that she told her boy friends best friend that his very existence is a problem.

The car ride to her house was dead silent besides the crying from Eva. When they pulled up, Eva told noora not to come with her, Eva just wanted to be alone.

As Chris drove home, he tried so hard not to cry but he couldn't help it. Memory's flashed through his head, thinking that it was all for nothing.

Once he got a to minute of not crying he pulled out his phone to call the only other person he has left, the one person he should've stayed with.

"Hey Chris whats up?"

"Can I stay at yours?" He didn't want it to but his voice cracked.

"What about your roommate?"

"Kicked me out. Can I please just stay at yours I won't bother Noora and you." he accidentally sniffled.

"Yea dude of course you stay. Are you ok?"

"Me? I'm fine. See you soon bud." He then hanged up.

When he got to the apartment, William was shock on how broken his brother was, he was pale with red puffy eyes, his hair more A mess than usual.

He didn't say anything but a quiet thanks and went off to his old room. He would change but his clothes are at Eva's a lot of stuff he owns is it at her house.

Every hour William or Noora would go in there to check up on him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid, neither knew what was going on. They were just worried about their friends.

When it got to morning, William decided it was time to wake up his friend and see what the hell was going on.

"Dude it's time to go to school." He shook him.

"I'm skipping." Chris mumbled tiredly.

"Chris we have to talk about this." He paused then continued, "was Eva your roommate?" Even though the strawberry blonde broke his heart into gazillon different pieces he would never say.

"No she wasn't." He looked at William and sighed, "do you know what it's like?"

"What's, what like?"

"Every day you fall asleep just to look forward to her some how rounding up in your arms, sitting their for hours, every night watching movies together, when I wasn't with you I was with her. For 1 month straight each and everyday."

"Sounds like you fell in love."

"Yea I did and it was the worst mistake in my life because in the end it was all for her to call me a selfish asshole of a fuck boy who existences is the very wrong thing in the world. I didn't do anything to her."

"Sorry bud, there's beer in the fridge if you get to sad."Chris put a small weak smile.

Evas pov

I woke up feeling around, my head was pounding, i only remember bits & pieces,I looked over and Chris wasn't there.

"Chris, you home!" I called out, I looked back over to his side of the bed, then I started remembering our conversation.

"Shit." I whispered, I got out of bed quickly got ready for school hoping Chris will be there.

When I got to school I was looking around I didn't see him anywhere. I saw noora and William walking towards me.

"Hey you ok? You were crying a lot last night."

"Me? I'm fine." I was stilling looking for Chris anywhere.

"Who are you looking for?" William asked.

"Chris, he owes me some chemistry paper."

"Uh huh yea, Um something shitty happened last night he's not here, oh and also," he sighed, "Were sorry, we thought this whole entire time you were Chris's new roommate even after last night we're sorry we asked him he told you weren't."

"Wait what, Chris said no." He nodded his head, why would he?

"H-how is he?"

"Not good, at all." They started to walk away but I grabbed noora's arm.

"I think I forgot my sweater at William's place, can I borrow your key?" She nodded and grabbed her key out of her pocket. After she walked away I sprinted to my car.

She walked into the apartment acting like she was trying to find her sweater, but in reality she just wanted to see him for herself.

"Eva what the hell are you doing here?" I turned around as he got my attention, he looked like he's gone through hell and back, it was all because of me. It took all of me not to cry in front of him.

"I was looking for my sweater." He looked down and nodded, "Chris can we talk?"

"We going to talk about how I shouldn't exist because I loved to hear that."

"Chris I was drunk you I wouldn't say that to you."

"You wouldn't say that to me? That doesn't mean you didn't mean it." He had a cold look on his face but it was obvious he was trying to bite back tears as well.

"Chris please I'm sorry okay I was drunk and being stupid, I would never mean any of it." He scoffed, I saw a tear escape his eye.

"I'm sorry Eva but just find your sweater and leave." His voice started trembling, I didn't even notice that the liquid was oozing out of my eyes.


"Please leave." He whispered cutting me off in a soft sad voice, "please."

"If you hate me so much, then why'd you tell them it wasn't me."

"I don't hate you, I could never hate even before that chemistry project. Eva I know it's unlikely but if there was a slightest chance Noora would be mad at you or something I wouldn't wish it on you so no I didn't tell them because no matter what I'm still going to care."
I didn't care at that moment I just ran up to him and hugged him, he didn't hug me back he just stood there.

"I'm sorry." I whispered against his chest, I let go of him and nodded then walked off to the door. And took one last look at him.

"Goodbye Eva." His voice cracking through all of it."

"Good bye Chris."

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