Chapter 8

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[Wave's Perspective]

The bus back to the school was full of chatter. I could even hear the other gifted students' voices over the music I was listening to. Some of the chatter was about what Claire had said early about my color of emotion. Honestly I didn't even know why I felt that way. There was no reason for me to felt scared. I did understand why I felt startled as I was surprised that he had suddenly had stopped me, but why did I feel scared. Was I scared that he may tell people my past?

My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Khru Pom, "Everyone we are here! Everyone please go back to your dorm for today and have a good night rest."

I walked off the bus and slowly walked to my dorm. When I entered my dorm I saw my room that was so large compared to me that seemed so empty even with the multiple number of furniture and electronics. Placing my bag on the floor, I walked toward the sofa and sat down. Sitting on the sofa, I thought back to when Traffic was in the same room in the dream. I could still visualize it clearly. Someone being so kind and warm to me was a feeling I hadn't had for a long time. It was also the first time someone had came into my room. The warmness of Traffic being next to me still remained.

Arghh!!! Why am I still thinking about that time!? It was just a dream!! I don't have to think about it!!! He just did that to get me to wake up!! Wave! He does not care about you! He just did that in order to help the team, and not you, so get your self together!

Talking some sense into myself, I stood up from the bed and went to the computers in my room. I started to search up some information about the students in the Blacklist. It wasn't because I was curious about those kids, especially Traffic, but I felt like I should have some info on them for future references. Turning on the computers, monitors, and other electronics, I slowly placed my hand on my laptop. My laptop buzzed and information about the Blacklist members came out. 

I started to read about their past and their personalities. They seemed to be exactly as they were written on my screen. Wanting to find out more, I placed my hand on the PC monitor. For some strange reason, information about Traffic was only popping out. Startled, I pulled my hand off the monitor screen. I stared at the monitor screen that was still popping up new documents, pictures, and videos of Traffic. I was completely surprised at what I was observing. It seemed like my potential was activating without my touch, but I didn't know how I was doing it. 

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, feeling a strong piercing pain in my brain and head.

The pain was getting stronger and stronger not allowing me to stand up any longer. I was now on the floor screaming with my hands clutching my head. My eyes were slowly getting blurry, and when I looked up toward my computer I could still see several documents, videos, and audio files popping up and starting to play. I tried to reach my hand toward the monitor to turn it off, but my body was slowly losing energy faster and faster. Hearing my door unlock, I tried even harder to turn the electronics off, but I fell back to the ground with a loss of energy. The piercing pain was overtaking me, and now I was slowly loosing the energy to even scream from pain.

"WAVE!!" someone came towards me screaming. "Are you okay?"

I could barely make the figure of the person or the voice. I lay still on the ground feeling my body grow weaker until I felt my eyes close slowly.


I opened my eyes to see something I barely saw in my room: sunlight and brightness. I started to sit up from the bed and look around. I noticed that it was my room, but the curtains were all open letting the sunlight in. I wondered who would do such thing as everyone I knew didn't even dare to touch my belonging.

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