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Sky: We got a dare from @LilyBell14!

Ty: She asks:

Lily: Have you ever read a CreepyPasta before and if not I dare you too!

Lyla: Of course I have. How bout you guys?

Sky: Once in a while when I'm bored. Which is almost never Cuz I got Ty <3

Ty: Dawww, thanks :) And I've only read one about Slender. It was pretty cool.

Slender: *appears from out of nowhere* Thank you child. *teleports away*

Skylox: o.o

Lily: Why are you surprised?

Ty: Th-they're real?!?

Sky: O.o

Lyla: Oh yeah, I never told you guys....

Ty: Well that's cool and all but you could have warned us! -_-

Sky: Well that was.... Awkward....

Slender: *appears again* I almost forgot. Lily come home before midnight so we can go killing with the proxies.

Lily: Ok Uncle Slender!

Skylox: O-O

Slender: Alright. And Lyla, have a nice day. Tell Derp I said hello.

Lyla: Ok! I will. And thanks :)

Slender: *teleports away once more*


Ty: I is cunfuzzled...

Lily: I probably should go now... BAI!! *teleports away*

Lyla: Bai!

Skylox: *derp faces*

Lyla: OMG you should see you're faces right now XD

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