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Antares - a star name meaning rivals.  (12)


It was 11:45pm, Siddharth fell asleep on his side, turned away from her. Sana felt her stomach burn with anxiety as she covered him with a blanket. She pressed a kiss to his lips, he hummed softly and snuggled into the pillow she put next to him. She kissed his forehead again and let her eyes linger on his face for a few long minutes, her heart felt like it was bleeding.

"I'm sorry." She whispered and got up. Her throat closed up she walked across the road and into her cottage. She laid in bed, clueless, heartbroken, defeated and everything that made her downtrodden at that moment. He was so perfect in her eyes, she couldn't explain it. He was so incredible and she felt like punishing herself for breaking him like this. She grabbed the t-shirt that she picked up, the one he took off before getting into bed, she held it to her face and inhaled it in. Her sould felt at rest as she smelt him on it. Her eyes fell closed and her heart closed itself off as she drifted off into a dreamless slumber, with hopes that a nightmare didn't cover it.

She woke up the next morning, the first thing she did was check the window, peek into his cottage and find out if he was up. He woke up before her everyday. There was a lock on the cottage and her heart dropped, an illogical fear of him leaving without telling her and moving away. She rolled her eyes at herself and just as she was about to turn away, she saw him run up from behind the cottage, he had gone down the Triund Valley for a jog. She sighed in relief as soon as she caught a glimpse of him. She pulled on a hoodie and got under her quilt and called up the school, her nose was blocked and she could feel a fever kicking in as she took a leave for the day. She remembered that he still had to go, she walked into the kitchen, very doubtful of what she was about to do, but cooked up two meals. Cooking was her relief, she loved doing it and feeding people and feeling the contentment was a relief to her.

Come here

She sent a message to him an hour later. There was still some time to go for him to leave. She sat at her unnecessarily huge table, knees hugging her chest and a shawl wrapped around her upper body. She was so cold and she wondered how she'd feel if he left without coming over. She was slightly losing her mind since yesterday.

Siddharth woke up to an empty bed, he felt a weird uneasiness, he was willing to be as patient as he could with her, but he didn't know for how long. He went out for a run to exert the slight pain that he felt in his chest when he didn't see her there. He almost wanted to go over and get into bed next to her. He came back, meditated a bit and then took a quick shower. He got ready with thoughts rushing through his mind, for some reason, he couldn't stop thinking about her nightmare.  He was dressed and in front of the fridge when he received a message from her. He sat on the chair and contemplated the awkward place they were both in.

He had a connection with Sana, something that couldn't even be put into words. And he knew for a fact that she felt it too, he also knew that she was very strongly in the process to disconnect that tie up. He sighed. He was always a foreseer, he liked to turn away from anything that would hurt him, but all that he has ever known and believed logically went out the window the second she was in sight so he decided to go with the flow. See where it takes him. He grabbed his bag and locked the door, she would go with him to school.

He walked across the street, he saw that there was still an hour left for him to leave. The door was already open, he could hear the sound of a cartoon playing on the TV, he knew that music; Tom and Jerry. A small smiled played on his face as he pushed the door further. She was seated on the couch in his tshirt and a leggings, a shawl wrapped around herself, her hair was in a bun and she was cuddled into herself. The smile left his lips.

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