Chapter 1: Abandoned

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Hellow! :3

Vampires are known to extinct. Having them all killed in a burning house that ended their species. It was their certain weakness, burning in ash by flames or by the sun and getting stab right in their heart by a certain sword.

Little do the vampire hunters know, a little vampire survived the burning house with the help of his parents. He then swore to his life that he will revenge his family that are burned right in front of his eyes.

Knowing that the vampires are now gone, small villages near the vampire sighting and the big cities are now more peaceful. It was calming and not problem in the world.

The little vampire that was scattered by his family's death already planned on what he's gonna do.

In a couple of years, he grew a fine gentle man and soon became a father. His wife doesn't know about his true identity. And his only goal was to bring the vampire species back for his vengeance.

After getting what he wants, his wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy with beautiful different colored eyes. Having a golden yellow on the left while ocean turquoise. He tried to escape with his son when he was discovered to be not a normal human. But his wife refuses to gave their son to him.

He did not think twice to leave them both alone. He has another woman impregnate in the other side of the town. Who he mainly used just to have another child.

His new woman also gave birth in the same year to a young boy with white hair. The newly born boy have the eyes of his father, a dark purple. Knowing that the woman he used will run away with his son, he took the chance to run away with the child. He already lost his first child due to his love to his wife.

As three years have passed, the father found new woman to be the next mother of a new vampire. He is still with his second child who seems to not like his idea. His new woman already have a daughter that is the same age as him. But the woman's daughter have no idea on what's going on.

Once the woman gave birth to a little girl, the father took her and ran away once again. He got what he wants. And he only wants the new vampire that he made.

But to his first son who grew up and shows signs of being a vampire becomes more dangerous to his own self. His mother found out that her only son is actually a monster and not wanting him anymore tried to kill him.

While his father that abandoned him was living one luxurious life. Earning his own company and reaching many riches. And having what he planned for. His children who stayed by his side as their mothers are far away from them.

Being stolen to their mother as soon as they are born to avoid revealing the secret of the father. And being raised as a vampire and not an ordinary human.

The abandoned son was traveling on his own to nowhere. Not knowing where he'll go. Not having eaten anything. Having many bruises and cuts. It's been five years since he ran away

He suddenly collapsed in the middle of a forest. No where to be seen by any human, where civilization are far. No houses around nor highways nearby.

He then felt someone warm in his head. Tasting something out that he never tasted before. Being so hungry that he didn't even mind opening his eyes to see what it is.

"Daddy, is he alive?", A tiny voice asked. He can clearly hear that it was a little girl.

"It's kinda dumb to just let someone in here. Especially a kid stranger.", A voice that is made by a little boy, who is against to his presence.

He just ignored them and keep his eyes shut to rest. He still wants regain his energy and restore his wounds before fighting and arguing with the strangers that took him in.

After weeks of being unconscious with realizing it, he bolted out of the bed and stood at the side. He looked around him, seeing a shelves with many books, a big bed where he was laying earlier, a big closet that is surprisingly opened and containing many clothes that sized him.

A man enters his room and smiles softly at him. Not knowing who he is, the boy glared at the man.

"You're safe here.", The man's calming voice made the boy relaxes himself. After sensing that he is someone relatable to him. "I am your father."

After hearing what he said, he glared at his father. "Y-you're the one... You're the one who abandoned me!"

"And we're the one who saved you too." A voice near him whispered. He jumped a little before glaring at the girl with raven hair next to him.

Before the heterochromia boy get to say anything to the girl, anther boy grabbed him from behind. "If you do anything stupid, I'll handle you myself."

"Let go of me stupid!"

The two of them are talking shut to one another while their father and the little girl just looked at them. They just let them until they started to become more physical. It's obviously that the white haired boy had an advantage.

"Okay, you two needs to split up. Sanemi, don't hurt your brother." The father took them from behind their neck. "So please calm down you two."

Their father sat them in the couch and see in they will start attacking again. But surprisingly they didn't. "Oh, I forgot to introduce you to the others." He tapped the shoulder of his second son. "This is Sanemi Shinazugawa, your younger brother though you two are in the same age, you're older in months." He then patted his daughter's head. "And this is your younger sister, Shinobu Kocho."

"Nii-san! I'm so happy to see you!" Shinobu ran to him and hugged him. "What's your name...?"

Surprised on his sister sudden move, he's not able to move. "I-i.. don't know..."

"I'll give you my name then. Since your other siblings got their last name by their mothers.. and I'm assuming you don't want to remember your mother. " His son just looked down. "Your name will be Obanai Iguro."

It's been years since they all get to met one another. But both Obanai and Sanemi still gets in each other's head that made them fight more while Shinobu is the one trying to separate them. They are still half human and half vampire, so they can definitely kill each other.

Their father is the one raising them as a vampire during the night and a normal human in the morning. They are trained on how to control their bloodlust reasoned because their eyes turn red whenever they are angry or smell blood. And how to hunt their victims. While on the day, they are home schooled because on how they are growing faster than a human but a bit slower than a pure vampire.

But when their youngest sister reached her 18th birthday, she wished that they enter a normal college to be seen as normal humans even if their knowledge is already passed that but their father agreed to her wish since he also wants them to not miss their youth. And since her brothers are already aged 21 and looking like one, the fit in a college university.

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