#24 Stupid Party *Michael Clifford*

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        You sat nervously at the party your 'best friend' forced you to come to. You sighed, leaning back on the chair. Could you even call her your best friend? She never really listened to you much... and whenever you tried to explain your shyness and uncomfortable feelings in social situations, she just shrugged and rolled her eyes.
        You sighed again, crossing your arms over your chest. You watched as all of the people danced obnoxiously in the living room, shouting and kissing and being well... being teens.
        You watched as a girl stumbled toward the wall, tossing her towering heels off of her feet. You flinched as you saw the large red blisters spread along her feet. Relieved that you hadn't bothered to dress up for the party, you adjusted your grey flannel, standing up to leave the house.
        "Hey, you can't leave yet! The party just started!" A boy shouted, grabbing your wrist lightly.
        You spun around to face the boy, immediately recognizing him. It was Michael Clifford, one of the most well known personalities at your school, and also the host of the party.
        "Actually, the party started about an hour ago so yea... I'm leaving," you sassed, trying to cover your blush up. You had always thought that there was something that really separated him from the rest of the populars. He never really seemed to hang out with them much, preferring to hang out with your friend, Calum, instead.
        "C'mon (Y/N), please stay?" he begged, a pleading look in his eye.
        It was safe to say that you were mildly surprised that he even knew your name. "You know who I am?"
        Michael nodded, rolling his eyes playfully, "Yea, Cal's mentioned you a few times..."
        You nodded. That made sense, there was no way he could know you any other way.
        "And you've been in my science class since year six, it's not like I haven't noticed you before." he continued, smiling slightly.
        "Oh... really?" you asked, surprised that he even knew of your existence before he met Cal.
        "Yea," he confirmed, leading you back into the living room.
        You felt the familiar feeling of nervousness creep back up your spine as you looked at the giant group of people, "Can we maybe... talk somewhere else? Social situations and I don't really get along."
        He nodded, cocking his head to the side in curiosity while leading you to the kitchen. "Then why did you come to the party?"
        You shrugged, sighing in relief as you saw the significantly less amount of people in the kitchen. "My friend made me come."
        "Doesn't sound like a very good friend to me," he commented, cracking open a bottle of root beer.
        You shrugged once more, "She's one of the only ones I have besides Cal."
        "Hey, I'm your friend to," he interjected, smiling widely.
        You felt your cheeks heat up at his words. "Are you sure about that? Your social status and mine beg to differ. I'm always ignored while everyone loves having you around."
        His smile faltered, his brow furrowing slightly, "Of course I'm sure. And besides, I love having you around. So all the people that ignore you can suck it."
        You smiled at his words, your cheeks steadily growing hotter.
        "Thank y-"
        You were interrupted by a loud, obnoxious voice coming from the kitchen entrance. "Hey Michael, watcha doin' in here? You're missing all the acti- What are you doing here?!"
        Your eyes widened as you looked at the girl. It was the most popular girl at your school, and she was looking at you in disgust.
        "Michael?! What are you doing talking with THAT?!" She screeched, glaring at you.
        "I-I...," you stuttered, staring at the floor.
        "Aw, cat got your tongue?" she cackled, smirking devilishly.
        You didn't understand why she always targeted you. It was only you, everyone else she pretty much left alone. And because of her constant belittling, everyone pretty much ignored you, afraid that she'd target them too.
        "Just leave her alone Cass," Michael growled, glaring at her.
        She gasped, her eyes widening in surprise, "B-but Mikey."
        "Don't call me that," he retorted.
        She did a double take, raising her eyebrows, "Are you really doing this Michael? And for a little rat like her?"
        He pressed his lips into a thin line, struggling to control his anger, "She's not a rat Cass, she's a person. A much better one then you just so you know. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a new boyfriend every week, or flirt with others while she has a boyfriend, or sleep around... like you."
        Your eyes opened wide as you watched him attack Cass with his sharp, but true, words.
        She glared at him, slapping him straight across the cheek. "I'll make sure you regret this Clifford, you're gonna wish you had never met that scum."
        You both watched as she stormed out of the room, her heels clacking against the floor.
        You turned toward Michael, struggling to comprehend what had happened.
        "Sorry about that," he apologized, wincing slightly as he touched his angry red cheek.
        "No... I'm sorry," you apologized, frowning. "I pretty much just ruined your reputation."
        He shrugged, smiling slightly. "Don't worry about it, I've been trying to find a way to ditch them anyways."
        You smiled softly, looking at his cheek again. "You're cheek, it's swelling!"
        He raised his eyebrow, feeling it once more. "Oh crap, you're right."
        "Do you want me to get some ice?" you asked, walking toward his fridge.
        He shook his head, grabbing your wrist once more. "I don't think I'll be needing that."
        You rolled your eyes, trying to get to the fridge. "Yes you do, you're cheek is swollen."
        He smirked cutely, dragging you closer to him. "I think I know something that'll make it feel loads better then ice."
        Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, your head cocking to the side slightly, "Really?"
        You watched as his cheeks became a pale pink, his smirk turning into a wide smile, "You're so innocent. It's adorable."
        You felt your whole face flush at his words, "W-what do you mean?"
        "Well, I was trying to hint that a kiss on the cheek would help but you, being the adorable girl you are, didn't pick up on it," he explained patiently, his smile growing bigger.
        Your eyes widened in realization, it all clicking in your mind, "O-oh."
        He giggled softly, his eyes crinkling slightly at the corners, "So... how 'bout it?"
        You nodded nervously, leaning up onto your toes to kiss him on the cheek. Only millimeters away from his cheek, you saw him move slightly, titling his head so your lips met for just a moment.
        You immediately pulled away, touching your lips with the tips of your fingers. "Did you really just..."
        He nodded cheekily, his face flushed slightly.
        You crossed your arms, glaring at him playfully, "I hate you."
        He sagged his shoulders in mock defeat, his lips forming a pout, "Does that mean you don't wanna go out sometime?"
        You shook your head, smiling widely, "Nah, I'll go out with you... but I still hate you."
        He grinned, wrapping you in a hug, "That's good enough for me."
        You smiled, burying you head in his chest. You sighed in content, secretly thanking your friend for forcing you to come to Michael's stupid party.

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