Fantasia for Two Furnishings

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Another girl-fly was waiting at the inn where he purchased a room for her to use until she left the city. Mono kept her back to the woman as she chattered on breathlessly about having Sir Deathpierce honor their humble establishment and other dither. But then she continued even after naming the room and handing over the key.

Mono stepped closer, letting the blades hovering beside her drift into the woman's space. In the following blessed silence, Mono turned and stalked toward the stairs. When he joined her, she asked, "Why do these women fawn over you?"

"As I mentioned, I'm a captain in the holy knights," he explained with a tone of earnest enthusiasm, but colored with some kind of sadness. "That assignment that took years of training and dedication to earn. I'd been entrusted with commanding a team of skilled warriors.... Anyway, a few months ago, these people witnessed a tremendous battle here. The survivors of my team helped fight off mutants that had invaded the city. The people are simply grateful for our help."

Mono sniffed. "A simple 'thank you' from them should suffice."

"You're probably right." But there was a smile in his voice.

She rolled her eyes and hurried onward to the top floor, anxious to find out what would become of the fleeting spark of new magic inside her, as well as this persistent pool of luxurious sensation.

* * *

Pierce had done well during the climb up to Mono's room. Entirely ignoring her had been impossible, but concentrating on how he could most effectively extend his magic to tune with the unknown spark helped him avoid being completely entranced by her slender waist and swaying hips.

However, just inside the room, she swept off her jacket impatiently, both hands on her hips, gazing around the lodging.

The light crystals around the room created a warm glow and cast delicate shadows on her skin. The low scoop in her suit at the small of her back ran underneath her arms to her collar on the front. The clothing left her spine and shoulder blades completely exposed, revealing a glorious span of flesh that almost purred with the earthy timbre of a tenor clarinet. 

Pierce stood just inside the door, not trusting himself to move because even though her skin called to him, she had not. He had not taken a room for her to indulge his delight. But such facts did nothing to diminish how she overflowed with delight.

When she turned around, he shut his eyes.

* * *

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"Yes," he whispered, without moving, eyes closed.

She allowed herself a small smile. Around those girl-flies, Pierce had been cheery and sociable and able to walk away freely. But she saw his tension now, as clearly as if he were posturing for a defense in battle. He didn't laugh and chatter with her; she didn't need that from him. He responded to her completely different, and his magic would help bring out the response she wanted to find. "Pierce."

He opened his eyes.

"Where do you want me?"

He cleared his throat, then glanced around the suite. "That chair there will be fine." He walked past it and went through the other rooms.

Laying her jacket, gloves, and weapons aside on the shelf near the door, she said, "Since I've removed my jacket, you should do the same."

He called back from another room, "Very well." When he returned, he held the dark jacket and warm-colored scarf in one arm. His white shirt stretched across his shoulders in a way that showed it had been made for him, but did not hide his shape.

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