Fantasia for Scrolls and Blades

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When Mono felt strong enough to rouse up from the luxurious sheets, she found herself alone. It confused her for a moment because he had been so incredibly close that it didn't make sense for Pierce to not be at her side. The next few moments extended her out over a chasm of worry that he had left, but then the sound of ice clinking in a glass came from the front room. She scooted over to the side of the bed, shivering slightly at the friction on her sensitive skin, then went to the doorway.

He stood by the window again, looking out on the bright moon and roof tops. The light from a single lamp by the door highlighted his naked chest and bare feet. A half-empty glass of something red seemed to be forgotten in his hand.

She rested a hand on her bare hip. "What are you doing?"

Pierce turned to face her, blinking like he'd just emerged from a dark cave into the sunlight. "Waiting to talk with you."

She smiled at how he always seemed to retreat into conversation. Taking leisurely steps toward him, she said, "I don't want to talk."

He joined in her smile and set his glass down on the window sill. "You might when I tell you what happened."

"You talk then." She stopped in front of him, then ran her hands up his chest, over his shoulders, and around the back of his neck. She also hitched one leg up around his hip and lifted herself up on him, humming eagerly as her pussy slid across his pants. "I'll just listen."

Reaching around her, his hands gripped her ass exactly like she remembered and exactly like she'd hoped. He supported her there, massaging her ass and pulling softly to part her, but still insisted, "It's about your power that I can sense within you."

She continued kissing his neck and jaw, trying to make her lips feel on his skin the way his had felt on hers. She murmured, "How interesting." When she pressed up even tighter against him and nibbled on his earlobe, she felt him go tense. So she did it again.

"I saw...."

"Yes?" she whispered before grazing her tongue around the inner ridge of his ear.

He cleared his throat and lifted her a little higher so the heat of her sex pressed against his stomach. "I saw lighting on your fingertips."

Lost in imagining that her tongue on his ear was his on her netherlips, she said, "How curious." She dipped into his ear canal.

Pierce turned to the side of the window and pressed her against the wall there, leaning against her, raising his chin to invite her touch across all his skin.

Mono explored all the ways she could caress his throat with her mouth, listening carefully, just like she'd said she would, for the changes in his breathing and his small grunts of pleasure when she found a sensitive spot.

 A demanding knock on the door echoed through the room.

She dropped lightly to the floor. He spun round, standing tall and dignified, but she could sense the tension of a coiled spring in his frame. As he walked to the door, she summoned both daggers. 

Only one appeared in her grip.

She stared in shock at her empty hand.

"Who is it?" Pierce called nearing the left side of the door, then moving to the right side. He lifted the sheathed saber from its resting place in the corner.

"Sir Vili of the Holy Knights with an assignment for Sir Deathpierce."

He looked her way and nodded, then recognized what was happening. Quickly putting his sword at his back, he unlocked the door and opened it part way, blocking any view into the room. Someone handed something to him and he dismissed them. A heavy stomp of someone in armor coming to attention was followed by footsteps back down the hallway. 

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