Fantasia for Silk Sheets

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Slowly, deliberately shifting his stance to stand facing her helped Pierce maintain control so he didn't charge across the room at her. Hair tangled, wine-colored robe hanging open, accenting the red in her cheeks and the creamy white skin everywhere else, crouched ready to fight, she presented such a sumptuous vision of raw sensuality that it blinded him from words for a few seconds. His cock had grown heavy as he listened to her struggling in the washroom, but now it stiffened and warmed and called for its own tune. He turned to face her slowly, then finally said, "You sound surprised. Except this is what you wanted, isn't it? You've been toying with this arousal since dinner."

Mono opened and closed her hands, but the daggers stayed over on the shelf. "You've been toying with me. You did this. Your magic." 

"The seeking affected you this way?"


"And did you tell me? Did you listen when I wanted to discuss things? Or did you just race forward, concerned only for the next thrill?"

She looked away to the other room of the suite.

"And now you blame me for your discomfort and demand my help."

She stood up from her ready crouch, but her hands still clenched like the comfort of a blade would help her through this.

That subtle change in her tune altered the whole tenor of the situation, like a virtuoso shifting an angry melody into a calming legato. "Since you awoke in the other place, have you ever experienced these feelings."

"Of course not!" But she took a slow breath before she continued. "Until dinner with you tonight, I didn't know there was any such hunger as this."

Pierce nodded and felt chagrined that he hadn't anticipated things more clearly. "Mono, I would be honored to help soothe these feelings, but it may be more disconcerting than just waiting for the hunger to fade away. If you would prefer to wait, cover yourself and I'll come back tomorrow to see if there's a better way to nurture your power."

She looked at him with careful scrutiny for a moment. Then drew herself up straight, settling her arms back in a way that shifted her breasts forward and made the edges of the dark robe sway enticingly against her stomach and thighs.

He took off his glasses and began to unlatch the cufflinks on his sleeves. "If you want me to help conduct these pleasures and passions, remove your robe."

She shrugged and the cloth slithered down around her. She shifted her weight to one leg, resting a hand on her hip, the other arm still held a little back. Her blue eyes watched him carefully, looking to see how he looked at her.

He devoured her with his eyes. Her short, lavender hair set off the svelte curves of her frame, with mouth-watering breasts sitting perkily at her chest, delicate contours of light and shadow around her stomach and long, smooth legs. The pale wisps of hair peeking out from mulberry-colored cloth nestled between her legs and held in place by the thin straps stretched to her hips. Desirability poured out from her like a harmony for any gesture she might make. 

She smiled back at him and shifted her weight to the other leg, highlighting the arc and slope of that hip now, the slender transition to her waist.

He said, "Come here."

Each slow stride alternated the swell of her hips and the balancing sway of her shoulders and breasts. Her smile faded as she drew closer and stood before him.

He stared into her eyes as he reached his hands forward, grazing his fingers up along her shoulders and neck. He combed his right hand up through her hair and away. Then he reached his left hand into her locks and gently held her as he inched closer. Brushing his cheek against hers, he breathed a whisper on her ear. "I'm going to continue seeking as I touch you." 

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