chapter four

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I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for him to hold the knife up to my neck again. But he didn't, his cold hands brushed my hair to one side of my face and he lowered my shirt on the backside. My heart was beating out of my chest at this point, feeling as his finger traced a circle on my back in the same place.

"You absolutely hate your birthmark, that's why you never wear your hair in a ponytail." He said in an almost soothing tone. I gripped the bottom of the shorts I was wearing, waiting for him to stop.

Then it hit me; how could he possibly know about my birthmark? It didn't make any sense- I always wore my hair draped over my shoulders. Never have I once wore it in a pony tail, not even before I go to bed. This made me wonder what other personal things he may know about me.

I jumped off of the stool when I felt his hot breath on my neck and his lips glide across my skin. I backed away onto a wall, eyeing him with disgust. He frowned and paced over to me, I shielded him away with my hands- although I knew that wouldn't work. He grabbed both of my wrist roughly, holding them down at my sides. My eyes were full of terror as he leant toward me.

"Stop being so afraid of me, damn it!" He yelled to my face. I closed my eyes, hoping that somehow that would make his words mute.

"I have no choice!" I tried yanking my arm out of his, but only ended up hitting my elbow on the wall. He let go of my wrists and backed only a step away. I didn't move, waiting until I was given permission- as ridiculous as it seemed. He looked down at his feet, running a hand through his somewhat tangled hair.

"Go to your room." He took another step backwards. I still waited for another one of his mood swings. His arm jolted upward from his side, "Go to your room, Charlotte!" He yelled, but still didn't look up at me. I scurried away, heading for the stairs.

As I walked up the stairs, I turned to look out of the glass door- only to see one muscular man standing there. He looked more like a guard rather than the other people that kidnapped me.

I stumbled over the last step, turning my attention back in front of me. I looked at the second to last door at the end of the hall and unwillingly walked towards it. I dragged my feet slowly across the floor. I walked slower than I usually would, waiting for Harry to say or do something.

I needed a better escape plan and if he was busy doing something else, then I could certainly spend the remainder of today planning an escape. If everything works out the way I want it, I could be out of here tomorrow. I'd need to make sure I know the direction of downhill and exactly how far away my mothers house was from here. But I knew once I got back, we'd need to flee. After I found my mother, I'd need to make sure that we'll have a place to stay. These people would come looking for me, they'd know I would be at my mothers.

I held onto the rail, listening intently until I heard a soft woman's voice.

"What's the matter, Harry?" She hummed, sounding concerned. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering who she was and where she could have come from. My best guess was the backyard or perhaps, the dining room. Though, I had no idea where it was.

"A lot." I heard Harry's loud voice, echoing off of the walls. I was startled for a moment, thinking I should hurry to the room that was supposably claimed as mine.

"Tell me." I heard a chair scoot against the floor, one of them must be sitting down.

I heard a loud sigh, "She's afraid of me." He lowered his voice as if knowing I was listening.

Of course I'm afraid of him! He kidnapped me, held a knife to my neck, and screamed at me. How did he expect me to not be afraid? Besides there were so many things in life I haven't seen, being that my mother locked me away for so many years in that house. It didn't bother me until just yesterday why I wasn't able to go outdoors. But I regretted it.

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