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The art above is adorable! :,D


Wither's POV~


Skeleton loads three arrows onto his bow- they were all enchanted with the wither effect.

"S-Skelly...?" I whisper. We were standing in an abandoned cave and the shrieks of bats were echoing. I create a sword and hold it out defensively. "Skelly, don't do this..."

"Don't you get it, Wither? I hate you. You're a fucking mistake." Skeleton's words tore through me deeper than any knife had. Holding in my tears, I whispered, "S-skeleton, this isn't you..."

"Oh, really. Wanna bet?" He releases his arrows, and I manage to dodge two of them- but the third hit my left leg, weakening me. He smirks and loads more arrows, and I grab Moon and swiftly teleport.

"W-what happened to him...?" I mumbled, tears dripping from my eye sockets uncontrollably. "Arrow, he didn't mean that. He's being controlled by that stupid bitch."

"What?!" Furious, I throw my sword into a nearby tree. "How dare she?! She just has to ruin my life even more, doesn't she?!"

He sighs and says, "All of those times I attacked you... She controlled me as well."

Taking a quick look at my surroundings, I realize I'm standing in front of the Skeleton's territory. "D-do you think they remember me?"

He nods and says, "When I broke in many years ago, almost everyone I saw was distraught with your absence. Also, here... You should return this bow to the skeletons. I'm done doing that witch's dirty work. I'll wait out here."

Nodding, I place the bow into my inventory and turn invisible. Floating around, I search for Bone. I noticed him sitting alone, writing. What is he doing...?

Taking a closer look, I float a bit closer. It read,

'To Arrow,'

'I'm really sorry about everything. I can't believe that I made you hunt by yourself. You needed me, yet, I didn't come with you. I'm sorry.'


Closing his journal, he places it into a bookshelf. When he walks away, I read a few pages. Most were alike, but one entry stood out the most.


Mom and dad ended up running away when the witches and wither skeletons broke in. I'm really afraid, and I'm hiding right now. I'm all alone. Marrow also ran away a few months ago, and I don't know what to do... Love you, little bro.


Placing the book back, my eyes fill with tears. He cared about so much. He still cares about me, after all of these years.

Turning visible, I greet him with a "Boo." 

He shrieks and drops his bow. "Holy shit! You scared me! Hold up, Wither? What are you doing here?"

"O-oh, I came to bring this back." I grab the golden bow, and he gasps. "How did you find it?"

"Let's just say, that I'm friends with the person who stole it. Anyway, just tell everyone that you found it because I don't think other skeletons will react well when they see me..."

He nods and says, "Yeah, you're probably right. Hey, where's Marrow?"

"Oh, he's... He's another reason why I'm here."

"Why? What happened?"

Explaining the situation, he gasps. "He's being controlled?! What the fuck?!" Nodding in agreement, I whisper, "He's also gotten better at the bow. He got me dead-on."

His eyes widen. "Woah, okay. Yeah, of course, I'll help! Also, I'm gonna return this, come with me."

I raise my non-existent eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because everyone should know that not all wither skeletons are bad."

Weighing my options, I decide to follow him. "S-sure, I guess. Just don't tell them I'm dating Skeleton, okay?" He nods and grabs my hand.

"Hey, guys!" He shouts. Instantly, scores of skeletons appear. They all scream and shout, "There's a wither skeleton!"

"Guys," he shouts, "He's the one that returned our golden bow!"

They all freeze and stop screaming. One skeleton in particular steps out and says, "R-really? Are you sure it isn't fake?"

He nods and says, "I'm positive."

Placing the bow into the skeleton's hand, he bows and steps back. The skeleton nods in approval and hands me three arrows. "These arrows are special. As long as they land a hit, they can kill anything. Use them wisely, because once they are released from the bow, they cannot be reused- even if you miss." Nodding, I whisper, "Thank you."

The skeleton nods and says, "From now on, we'll treat you like our own. What's your name?"

"J-just call me Wither, I guess," I say with a shrug. The skeletons nod and shout, "All hail Wither!"


"See! That went well, didn't it!" Bone says as he waves his girlfriend goodbye. Letting out a breathy chuckle, I whisper, "Yeah. Also, I have a question for you."

"Yeah? What's up?" He asks as we walk away.

"Y-your brother. His name was Arrow, right?"

He sighs and frowns. "Yeah, what about him?"

"Do you... miss him?"

"Oh, yeah. I miss him a lot, and I'd do anything to see him again."

"I'm sorry if that was too personal-"

"N-no, don't be. It's time I told someone, anyway. I trust you."

Moon comes along with us, but he remains silent the entire walk.

The sun starts to rise, and he groans. "We're going to have to wait a while- I don't wanna be burned alive."

"Here," I say, handing him a potion of fire resistance. He eyes it cautiously and asks, "What is it?"

"It's a potion of fire resistance, it will prevent you from catching fire."

He blinks in realization and says, "Oh! That's cool!" He swallows the entire potion and places the bottle into his inventory. He walks out from the shade of the tree and sighs. "Woah, I didn't even know a potion like this existed!"

Rubbing the back of my skull, I nod. "Yeah, it's pretty useful. Besides, you'll need it when we enter the Nether."

"...What's the Nether?"

Oh, yeah. He doesn't know.

"It's basically a hellish version of the overworld. You'll see." Grabbing his hand, I teleport the three of us into the Nether. He gasps and looks around. "Woah, this place is so... amazing..."

I let out a breathy laugh and nod. "Yeah, it's something alright."

"Guys, I hate to break it to you, but we kinda have a witch and boyfriend on the loose, so..."

"Y-yeah, we should get back to the plan. You're right, Moon." 

"What even is the plan?" Bone asks. I sigh and say, "Well, the witch's lab is nearby. That's where she lives and uhh, experiments on things."

"She experiments on things...?"


Wither x Skeleton~ A Monster School AuDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora